pretty pinwheels and posies
Sadly our green grass is still sitting under a couple feet of snow here in Michigan, however that is not going to stop us from ushering in the sweet sights of spring in our store windows.
We dolled our glamorous gals up with a quick trip to Dollar Tree. Twenty-eight dollars worth of pinwheels, posies and plastic tablecloths later…
Just add a classic bike and small fan and we’ve got a breezy spring day happening right at 3117 Twelve Mile in downtown Berkley. Stop by soon to get your spring fever prescription.
Like to see what goes on behind the scenes at catching fireflies? Then sign up to receive snazzy blog posts like these in your email inbox HERE
cupid call love
It’s been a couple weeks since we sent out a load of love to deserving souls and I must say we’re tickled pink to hear some of the stories about our surprise packages. We originally planned on sending 100 packages, but due to the volume of nominees we ended up wrapping up around 180 cupid calls.
We’d like to express our thanks to all the journalists who help spread the word, the nominators for taking the time to share their stories and Kitchen with a Cause , Cellar Door Soap , Seeds of Happiness and Hydra for donating products. Plus, I can’t leave out our catching fireflies team who read, sorted, typed, wrapped and shipped our boxes of happiness. You have all played an important part of making this Cupid Campaign a wild success!
Here are some sweet notes of appreciation from some our our surprise smile recipients…
This Cupid Campaign has been an amazing experience for me. It has opened my eyes to the stories people are living with everyday. It has opened my heart to be more compassionate and opened my hands to be more giving.
This Valentine’s Day ranks as one of my favorites. Even though we were essentially giving the gifts… being able to use my talents and resources to bring a little heaven to earth has been one of the best gifts I have received yet.
cupid call press
WOW~ We cannot thank our local journalists and bloggers enough for helping us get the word out about our cupid calls!
Because of you we have received well over 400 heart-warming and heart-breaking stories of people in our community that could really use a ray of sunshine delivered to their door. We are truly humbled to have the opportunity to send these surprise smiles next week (and have a feeling we might need to surpass our original plan of only sending out 100)
So… THANK YOU Fox 2, Detroit Free Press, Woodward Talk & Rochester Post, Observer & Eccentric, Royal Oak Tribune, Ann Arbor Mom and Macaroni Kid!
fox 2 cupid call segment 1-28-14
A BIG thank you to Fox 2 for having us on to talk about our Cupid Calls and Valentine Goodies!
Here’s a replay of April chatting with Deena Centofanti…
Some of the goodies talked about included seeds of happiness, custom photo frames and photo blocks, husband & wife trivia books, cellar door soap, 52 ways to stay in love forever, hand warmer mugs, shower bursts and kissing salt & pepper shakers.
The LOVE Michigan t-shirt, sweatshirt and cards are available at our Berkley, Rochester & Ann Arbor locations.
Shop for even more Valentine goodies HERE.
Like hip gift ideas to surprise your Valentine? We love sharing our finds. Don’t want to miss out on our future features… simply sign up to receive these blog posts in your email in box.
delightfully dressed delivery divas
The cupid calls have been rolling in so we had to get our window gals ready to do some serious deliveries next month!
Luckily our Finnish daughter, Iitu can transform plastic tablecloths, tissue and tulle into fanciful frocks that are cupid approved.
Add some flying love letters…
some pretty priority mail boxes…
and voila ~ window number one is done!
Now for a quick break to pet Piper, our super soft unamused shop cat ;-)
Our Berkley shop windows looked so festive, I lured Iitu to work her wardrobe wonders in Ann Arbor too.
We’re looking forward to filling these boxes with real goodies for all our cupid calls very soon!
Like to see what goes on behind the scenes at catching fireflies? Then sign up to receive snazzy blog posts like these in your email inbox HERE
cupid calling
I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before but Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. Not because I like roses, fancy restaurants or chocolate (well, I do like chocolate) but because I like to surprise some of my girlfriends by sending them little treats in the mail. I like to look at February 14th as an opportunity to bring a bit of color and joy into those grey cold days of February… because who doesn’t get a smile on their face when a pretty package arrives on their door step?
This year I’ve decided to expand my cupid arrow radius by including friends, family or special people YOU know who could really use a cupid call to cheer them up. It could be they had a hard holiday season, are dealing with health problems, recently lost someone special or maybe it’s a struggle to keep a smile on their face… just let us know in a short paragraph why you’d like to nominate them to get a box of love delivered to their door step.
1. Email your submission to with subject title: CUPID CALL (please do not leave info in the comments section on this post)
2. Include your nominee’s full name, age and mailing address. One submission per email please. (there is no age limit for nominees)
3. In a short paragraph, let us know why they need a cupid call. Also let us know a little about the person & what they like (bath & body goods, kitchen gadgets, fashion accessories, inspirational items, funny things, etc…)
4. Include your full name and your relationship to the nominee.
Deadline for entry is February 5
We’re going to do our best to send out as many cupid calls as possible the week of February 9. You will not know if your nominee was chosen, but if they were, the package of love will be delivered anonymously with a short note reading, “A bit of love wrapped up just for you to make your day brighter. xoxo ~ cupid”
If you do have additional questions, please ask them in the comments box and we will reply so everyone can see them.
Like to see how you can help us make days brighter for those who need some extra love? Stay in the loop by signing up to receive these inspiring updates in your email inbox!
our own celebrities take on hollywood game night
At the end of every holiday season, we like to throw a party to celebrate another year of making days brighter. The past couple years we tested our team’s skills with minute-to-win-it challenges which proved to be quite fun and entertaining. This time, we decided to play some fun games from Hollywood Game Night… after all these gals are the super stars of our little company.
Take the Hint: Select one player from your team to do the guessing while the other players need to give one word clues to get them to guess the word. The host holds the cards up so only the team members giving hints can see them. For example if the word is Santa…. the first team member would say – PRESENTS, the next team member – JOLLY, the next – BEARD and so on until they guess the right answer. The guesser only gets only one guess per answer and each correct answer scores a point. This round lasts 90 seconds. You can see a video clip of how this works here.
Here are some words you could use for this game: popcorn, E.T., Rome, Diet Coke, bulldog, Empire State Building, Abe Lincoln, Starbucks, Superman, volcano, tattoo, Texas, Snoopy, parrot, U2, blender, Christopher Columbus, Snow White, microwave, Rolling Stones, Victoria’s Secret, dragon, daffodil, Nutella
Cereal Killer: Each team sends up one player and the image of cereal is revealed. Whoever hits the ringer first gets to guess the cereal. If the first player is wrong, the opponent can answer correctly and get the point. Each correct answer scores a point. You can download cereal images for Raisin Nut Bran, Life, Kix, Golden Grahams and Trix here. You can download cereal images for Grape Nuts, Fruity Pebbles, Corn Chex, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Captain Crunch here.
How Do You Do?: Each team has 90 seconds to guess as many songs as possible, using only the word “doo”. Once a teammate guesses a song, they must perform the next one. Players can pass on songs they don’t know or if their team is having a hard time guessing. Each correct answer is worth five points. You can see a video clip of how this works here.
Here are some songs you could use for this game: Pretty Woman, Stop in the Name of Love, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, U Can’t Touch This, Row Row Row Your Boat, YMCA, We Didn’t Start the Fire, Hit the Road Jack, I’m Bringing Sexy Back, Sweet Caroline, I Just Call To Say I Love You, Born to be Wild, Lean on Me, Like a Virgin, Stayin’ Alive, Heard it Through the Grapevine, I Love Rock-n-Roll, LaBamba, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, I’m Coming Out, Thriller, Celebrate Good Times, Wake Me Up Before You Go Go, We are Family, She Works Hard for Her Money
TV ID: A player from each team is shown a TV show title and must buzz in and bid as to how few words as possible it’ll take to get their team to guess. If the first player says they can do it in 2 words, the other player can choose to under bid them if they think they can get their team to guess it in one word. If the team who guesses gets it wrong, the points go to the other team. A correct guess wins two points. Players are not allowed to use character or actor names on the show. You can see a video clip of how this works here.
Here are some TV shows you could use for this game: The Bachelor, Glee, Oprah, Modern Family, Sopranos, Duck Dynasty, Dancing with the Stars, Friends, Ellen, Seinfeld, The Office, Amazing Race, Price is Rice, Family Feud, Big Bang Theory, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Simpsons, American Idol, Downton Abbey
Timeline: The team has 90 seconds to place 6 images in chronological order from the earliest to the latest. When they are done, they hit a button nearby and the host tells them how many are correct. Every time they get less than six correct, they can go back and make some changes. When time is up or if the team gets them all right, they score 2 points for each correct placement. After both teams play the game, a five point bonus is awarded to the team who got them all right or had the fastest time in case of a tie. You can see a video clip how it works here.
You can download the sexist man alive magazine covers here.
Brad Pitt 2000, Ben Affleck 2002, Matthey McConaughey 2005, George Clooney 2006, Johnny Depp 2009, Channing Tatum 2012
You can download popular toys here.
rubiks cube 1980, cabbage patch kids 1983, transformers 1984, care bears 1985, gameboy 1989, tickle me elmo 1996
I Love a Charade: This game is a 90 second tag team round and all subjects in this round fit under a specific category. Once a teammate guesses a correct answer, they must perform the next charade. Players can pass if they don’t know it or if their team is having a hard time guessing.
Each correct answer is worth five points. We chose movies by Tom Cruise for one team and movies by Tom Hanks for the other.
Here are some Tom Hanks movies you could use for this game: Turner & Hooch, The Money Pit, Castaway, You’ve Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, Forrest Gump, Toy Story, Polar Express, Splash, Apollo 13, Catch Me if You Can, A League of Their Own, Davinci Code, Big, Green Mile
Here are some Tom Cruise movies you could use for this game: Last Samurai, Rock of Ages, War of the Worlds, Eyes Wide Shut, Rain Main, Top Gun, Risky Business, Interview with a Vampire, Cocktail, Mission Impossible, A Few Good Men, Jerry Maguire, Days of Thunder, Color of Money
Celebrity Name Game: In the show this is considered a bonus round, however we play it a little differently. The goal is to get your team to guess as many celebrities as possible in 90 seconds. The chosen player describes a different celebrity as best they can until the team guesses correctly. Player can pass they don’t know or if their team is having a hard time guessing. Every correct answer is worth one point.
Here are some celebrities you could use for this game: John Mayer, Selena Gomez, Mark Zuckerberg, John Hamm, Clint Eastwood, Steven Speilberg, Charlie Sheen, Jennifer Hudson, Taylor Swift, Betty White, Demi Moore, Lady GaGa, Tiger Woods, Honey Boo Boo, Tom Cruise, Tina Fey, Paula Abdule, Tyra Banks, Kevin Bacon, Mike Tyson, Molly Ringwald, Will Smith, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Angelina Jolie, Kayne West, Simon Cowell, Paul Rudd, Linsdsay Lohan, Beyonce, Denzel Washington, Katy Perry, Jimmy Fallon, Ellen, Cameron Diaz, John Stewart, Justin Timberlake
We had loads of fun playing these games and would highly recommend it for a party activity if you you have 8-12 people along with someone to host the shenanigans, and keep the time and score. If you want to follow our lead, feel free to download our score sheet here. Besides that, all you need are some blank index cards & a sharpie to create your game cards, our image downloads and a couple desk bells for ringers.
Cheers to a Hollywood Game Night to remember at your next get-together!
Also thank you to our very own super stars who made this a most memorable night!
Like seeing behind the scenes at catching fireflies? Then sign up to receive these behind-the-scenes blog posts in your email inbox HERE.
walking in a winter whimsyland
Creating clever and fun Christmas cards is sorta my thing. I take it on as a creative challenge from year to year always fearing I will someday run out of ideas. Luckily my international daughters have been my inspiration the last few years with our campy Christmas sweater picture and also with our fun North Pole photo booth.
The spark for this year’s card was ignited when our Finnish exchange student, Iitu started working on her fashion merchandising project for finals. She had to construct a miniature version of what kind of clothing store she would like to create. This is what she envisioned…
Her attention to detail is crazy impressive… I mean ~ making an Ikea cube shelf out of copy paper?! Not to mention even creating logo for her small shopping bag. And you can’t really see it, but she even drew a keyboard on the computer :-)
After seeing this impressive project, my imaginary winter wonderland wheels started turning.
First, the box. Then the doodles.
I’m a big fan of Claudine Hellmuth’s work and she is the other half of what inspired this card. If you love this look, I encourage you to create your own family winter scene with one of her kits.
After doodling our little family unit, I scanned them into photoshop then sized and grouped them to fit the box. I also cut out photos of our heads and added them to our bodies.
I chose to color in the bodies by hand for a more homemade look. Iitu was in charge of creating our little village of homes and oh-s0-sweet snowflakes. This girl could easily doodle me right out of a job! She is one talented chica.
See what I’m talking about! Even right down to the snow covered bush with colorful Christmas lights. Oh, it was also her idea to create our sparkling tree out of pipe cleaners.
I cut out snow drifts and hung the snowflakes to create depth. When I photographed the box for our card image, the sun happened to shining bright, which added shadows to our little world so that was a bonus detail!
Here is the image I chose for our card. You might notice a change of color in Steve’s wardrobe. This was done with a little photoshop magic since he was not so fond of the colors I originally chose for him. I get it… this is a very girly card ~ he wanted blue pants at least ;-)
Here is the end product. I had color copies made, then cut and washi-taped our winter whimsyland to colorful card stock for a most non-traditional Christmas card. I hope it brought smiles to many faces. After this accomplishment…. I don’t even want to think about what to do next year! I might have to collaborate with Iitu on Skype to top this one.
Like to see what happens behind the scenes around catching fireflies? Simply subscribe to this blog and we’ll email you our latest creative endeavors.
61 Great Gift Ideas for Gals
The Gal Who Has Everything
1. Stay cozy this winter by hugging your mug. Guaranteed to keep your hands toasty warm. $21.95
2. Celebrate your family unit in a fresh and modern way with a custom family print $21.95 for 8×10 $38.95 for 11×17
3. Give love and happiness with this simple, yet stunning pearl necklace $23.95
4. We take photographs everyday. Make them memorable with terrific tips from this book $16.95
5. Create an airtight seal that can go from the freezer to the stove to the table with these magical silicone lily pad lids. Starting at $8.95 – a variety sizes available
6. This gurgle pot will bring many giggles to all who hear it’s merry sound $39.95
Gotta Love Girlfriends
1. Though friends may be far away… laughter keeps them close. Store some of your jewelry or keys on this stylish handmade hook $29.50
2. This wonderful wood sign celebrates the true benefits of very best friends $17.95
3. Keep your friendship going strong with this growth and harmony color therapy bracelet $11.95
4. All this sign needs is a bottle of wine and you’re guaranteed a good time $10.95
5. Artist, Leigh Standley always knows the perfect thing to say to make a sad situation sweet $5
6. These amazing animal stories about friendship are guaranteed to warm your heart $13.95
1. No matter how amazing the food tastes… really it’s who you share it with that makes it truly scrumptious. This cutting board makes a wonderful reminder of this timeless truth $24.95
2. These sweet measuring spoons take care of those special extra tiny ingredient needs $14.95
3. If you enjoy your time in the kitchen, this classic mixer clock was made just for you $59.95
4. No need to worry about soggy sponges collecting bacteria when you have this handy fork fella helping you out near your sink $27.95
5. Trade your worn out oven mitts for a glamorous oven glove when baking your sweet Christmas treats this season $15.95
6. Diary your daily dinners with this handy one-line-a-day journal. It’s designed to keep track for 5 years so you can gain inspiration for your menu from years past too $16.95
Little Lovelies Just Because
1. Keep your car smelling swell and looking cute with this whimsical air freshener set $8.95
2. This little pocket mirror reminds us to smile because it is good for your soul $3.95
3. Unsure what direction to take? This pewter compass will help your heart lead the way $17.95
4. Keep your cell phone screen squeaky clean with this handy cleaner that easily attached your purse or key chain $9.95
5. Dream about your Parisian adventure when you light this sweet Curly Girl Design tiny votive $5.95
6. Whooo wouldn’t love waking up to this super cute breakfast owl? $9.95
7. Bring a little luck to your day when you wear these birds of happiness earrings $13.95
8. Can’t decide what to get? Give them one wish to make with this pewter token $2
It’s Wine Time
1. Recycle your favorite wine corks into a truly trendy trivet $13.95
2. In case you were wondering. It’s always wine time $59.95
3. If you like to cook with wine as well and sip as you go along this wine glass was made just for you. It measures by cups and sips for your cooking pleasure $15.95
4. Artist, Erin Smith knows there comes a time during the day when no matter what the question… the answer is wine. A great bar towel for gals who like their grape $9.95
5. Why shouldn’t coasters give you a grin? $18.95
6. Keep your white chilled to the perfect temperature with this clever corkcicle $24.95
7. Serve up your cheese and crackers on this once-wine-bottle platter $18.95
Pamper Me Please
1. Wintertime is the best time to unwind in warm bath… especially when you throw in one of these fantastic smelling chill pills $6.95 (good for two baths)
2. Get ready to dance your way through the holidays with this luxurious foot cream $2.95
3. Turn an ordinary shower into a aromatherapy spa experience with one of these shower bursts $4.25
4. Send shivers up your spine with this simple, yet stimulating head tingler $7.95
5. Take a vacation to the tropics without leaving your bathroom with this handmade soap $5.95
6. Say goodbye to dry hands and hello to a soft citrus smell that will make your paws feel refreshed $10.95
7. Take the winter grey away and cozy up your home with a fresh scented soy candle $9.95
Gifts to Lift the Spirit
1. Let your light shine with this sweet sign created by Michigan artist, Katie Doucette $7.95
2. Accessorize and show your love to those who are in need of clean drinking water when you purchase a mudlove bracelet $6.95
3. Help Haitians by giving this super smooth hand carved riverstone heart as a gift $6.95
4. Artist, Kelly Rae Roberts says it best with this love wide cross $15.95
5. Write down your important prayers and treasure them in this lovely box $11.95
6. Feel safe and sound in the arms of angel when you where this simple necklace $13.95
7. A most inspiring and empowering book for women of all ages $15.95
Aren’t Grandmas Great?
1. This little trinket dish is perfect for placing rings in while doing the dishes and whenever grandmas looks at it, she’ll be reminded of your love $9.95
2. Gather up a favorite photo of the grandkids and surprise her with this lovely handcrafted magnetic photo frame $27.95 (can also be personalized for $3 more)
3. Grandkids say the darnedest things don’t they? Record these memories so they will last a life time in this special journal $14.95
4. Gotta child that likes to draw? Have them illustrate this super silly and fun book just for grandma $11.95
5. Just in case your grandma needs to be reminded that… TGIF $8.95
6. If your grandma likes fancy teas, have this cute manatea join her next time she plans to steep a cup $10.95
Love the Mitten!
1. Make your next batch of sugar cookies shaped like our great state $4.95
2. What part of the state does your heart belong? Treasure your your favorite place by showcasing a photo of where you love to spend time with this custom map frame $28.50
3. This small handcrafted sign makes a perfect ornament or decoration for anyone who enjoys coming to the mitten to be with family for the holidays $7.95
4. Mix up your boring dinner menu with this jam packed book filled with the best recipes complied from a variety of popular Michigan cookbooks $16.95
5. Get your party conversation started with fun questions about Michigan that encourage your guests to get chatting about their favorite places, events and more $10.95
6. This artsy tumbler has all the top places you want to see in our state $13.95
7. Think you’ve seen all our state has to offer? This fun book will take you places you never knew existed $19.95
Do you like finding goodies that will bring big grins? We’re happy to share some of our clever gift ideas. Simply sign up to receive these blog posts in your email and you’ll be in the loop & get our latest scoop.
surprise your secret santa
Do you have a co-worker of friend to suprise this season? Line up some sweet, silly and useful gifts that will have them wondering who is the gift guru behind the scenes.
Under $5
1. Who couldn’t use a positive message from this cute pocket mirror? $3.95
2. Add a little kick to popcorn with this hot seasoning $3.95
3. Jingle bell earrings are a most festive holiday accessory! $4.95
4. Spread a little cheer with a seed of happiness $2
5. Haven’t we all had a ctrl-alt-delete day before? $4
6. This mini laser gun will help take out any of your annoying enemies $4.95
7. Don’t we all just need a cape & tiara to make everything better? $5
8. Recharge your senses with a peppermint & eucalyptus steam shower $4.25
9. Your face will feel fresh and fantastic after this great mask $2.95
10. Keep your important pills hidden away in this hilarious giant pill case $4.95
11. Clown noses have a magical way of lightening any mood $4.95
Under $8
1. Got a question that needs answering? Just ask psy-click $6.95
2. Take the stress away with this spin shivering head tingler $7.95
3. Wear jewelry that makes a difference with these fair trade bracelets $5.95
4. Say goodbye to dry hands with this all natural citrus lotion that smells fabulous $5.95
5. This unicorn is the most magical way to sharpen your pencil $6.95
6. Grab a little inspiration from Curly Girl all year long with this sweet small calendar $7.99
7. Grab any itch in snap with this extendable back scratcher $7.95
8. Take a quick vacation to the tropics with this amazing handcrafted coconut soap $5.95
9. Scented high-lighters make doing work a bit more fun $5.95
10. Never forget another password again with some help from this great logbook $7.95
Under $13
1. Take your nervous energy out on this addicting twiddle $10.95
2. These mighty mustache magnets are a funny way to hold photos of your friends $8.95
3. A most funny and practical way to keep your bathroom smelling sweet $9.95
4. Magnify your phone speakers naturally with this phoneograph $12.95
5. Keep your drink cool in this clever insulated mason jar tumbler $12.95
6. Make a wish and send it to the heavens with this magical wish paper $10.95
7. This pocketmonkey will turn you into a Macgyver! $12.95
8. Emergency googly eyes make almost anything come alive $8.95
9. Take a quick trip to the ocean with a light of this ocean & sea salt candle $9.95
Under $13
1. A book end that brings big smiles $17.95
2. Celebrate the end of the work week with a few beers $13.95
3. Mr. Frost is a most fun desk toy to play with during the winter season $13.95
4. Finally a coffee cup that expresses how one feels in the morning $13.95
5. Take wine anywhere with these unbreakable wine glasses $14.95 set of 4
6. Everyone has those dammit doll days now and then! $13.95
7. Celebrate all the little awesome things that make this world a happy place to be $16
8. Tape dispensers don’t come any cuter than this snazzy snail $16.50
Still looking for more? SHOP ALL SECRET SANTA GIFTS HERE
Do you like finding goodies that will bring big grins? We’re happy to share some of our clever gift ideas. Simply sign up to receive these blog posts in your email and you’ll be in the loop & get our latest scoop.