Detroit Free Press Feature 5.6.12
Tickle Mom’s fancy with just-right gift for Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is a week away.
Which means if you haven’t already started shopping, you should.
Need some ideas?
Here are a few that should make your mom, my mom, everyone’s mom happy.
Handmade from wood, paper, wire and ribbon, Cool Cottage Wallflowers could add a festive touch to your mom’s house. Buy one or buy several and arrange them in a collage. They range in size from 5 to 11 inches in diameter. $31.50-$47.50, depending on size.
too much on her plate feature
No Calorie, Easy Self-care: Simple Ways to Savor and Indulge Without Gaining Weight
Mother’s Day is approaching, and I’m continually being asked—
“How do I fit in self-care?”
“How do I actually indulge and reward myself without turning to food?”
“I’m out of practice—what are some do-able and easy self-care ideas?”
High quality self-care begins with good intentions, but it only counts when you find ways to follow through, put yourself first, and prioritize and act on the things that make you shine and feel fabulous.
Spa Day for the Time-challenged
If a bubble bath sounds delightful but you just don’t have the time, an Aromatherapy Shower Burst might be what you’re looking for. When taking a bath isn’t an option these 100% natural Shower Bursts transform your ordinary shower into an aromatherapy experience. Place one burst on the floor in the shower and let the indirect spray activate the aromatherapy experience. Made of 100% essential oils, you can pick a scent that fits your mood. Oh, and in case you wonder like I did, they don’t make a mess or leave gunk in your shower.
Life is too short not to live your best version of it. I hope this list helps you infuse more high quality self-care into your days.
Thank you Melissa for choosing to include our shower bursts in your article!
how do you style your scarves?
I’ve often been told that I might be part reptile since I always seem to be cold. On any fall, winter, spring & sometimes even summer day you will most likely find me working at my desk with a jacket or down vest on. In addition to sporting outerwear all day long, I also enjoy keeping cozy by wearing a scarf. This season it’s been fairly hard to resist taking home a handful stylish scarves every time I stop by the store. See why….
Polka-dots of all kinds rank pretty high in my book.
But then again, solids are a strong second because they can go with almost any outfit.
And of course patterns are also lots of fun… flowers, stripes, butterflies & feathers – just a few to tempt you.
See why it’s so hard to decide? All of these pretties are available at our Berkley & Rochester locations & retail for $18.95-$24.95.
We also have this snazzy style available in a variety of colors that can be worn multiple ways. Check it out online or in the stores.
Since I am an admitted scarf-o-holic, I was thrilled when I stumbled upon this super video with loads more ideas on how to style a scarf…
Love to see the latest goodies we’re getting in? Then sign up to receive these colorful blog posts in your email inbox…. window shopping has never been so easy!
some of our favorite finds for mum’s day
There’s just 11 more days until we take time out to really celebrate our moms! Team catching fireflies has been making their gift lists and here a few of their picks…
This will sure come in handy when traveling… I always want to take my perfume with me, but not the whole bottle! Just a little something that makes my life easier–love it :) $14.95
The message is simple, but the bud vase brings the words to life. What a sweet gift for any Mother to receive. $23.50
I love this nail file and couldn’t wait to give it to my mom. Fun memories of growing up are of my mom and I doing our nails. This nail file will never wear out and is decorated so cute. My mom loves hers and I’m sure your mom will too! $9.95
Why shouldn’t mom enjoy her favorite tunes while relaxing around the house on Mother’s Day or any other day she selects? It’s a surprisingly simple idea that produces a nice sound and is portable as well as nearly indestructible. A great combination for a mom on the move. $12.95
I have given this as a gift for many of my “mom” friends. Life is so hectic that having a little something that is just for mom to enjoy is always nice. A moment to ourselves to enjoy the aromatherapy! $7.95
I love inspirational quotes and these words couldn’t be more true. Being a mother is one of the most rewarding things in my life. My family is a gift that I cherish everyday! $17.95
Give a practical gift with a sweet sentiment. Mom will love cooking with this spoon that will always remind her of who loves her the most! $9.95
I love all of the chill pill bath fizzes! With Mother’s Day coming up, they are a great gift idea. Every mom deserves some relaxation. I know my mom will love them! $6.95
I’m giving this to all my “mom” girlfriends this year. I always get to sit back and laugh when they are trying to make the best cupcakes for school or find the perfect outfit for school pictures. These are never what we remember about mom when we think back. It’s those everyday things that moms do all the time and don’t think twice about. $10
I am fairly certain my mom does save the world (at least mine) on a daily basis. I am definitely certain that she will enjoy her wine in this fun wine glass. $24.95
I’ve seen a lot of different bird houses & these clearly are the most charming. You can keep them inside for decor or hang one in your yard & let a local bird family live in high style. I’m getting my mom this daffodil one for Mother’s Day & I gotta feeling it will find a home near her sun room. $27.95
Do you like seeing what team catching fireflies is loving? We’re happy to share some of our favorite finds. Simply sign up to receive these blog posts in your email and you’ll be in the loop & get our latest scoop.
take a trip with vacationer
I love little tunes that take you to a pretty place & this is one of them.
Their facebook biography reads, ” Most people do not take vacations often enough, some not at all. Quality vacations let us recapture that feeling of childlike exploratory freedom, which we seem to experience less and less frequently as we age. We can have fun without worrying about the familiar consequences presented to us regularly in life. Taking a good amount of time away from our daily stresses allows us to return to our lives refreshed and better equipped to handle whatever comes next.
The eastern seaboard’s foremost relaxation specialists have teamed up to compile this unique collection of serenity-inducing sonic arrangements. The audio program you are about to experience was designed with the sole purpose of relaxing the listener and sending their mind on a well-deserved trip. No airfare needed, no reservations. Simply settle in, relax and enjoy; Vacation from anywhere at anytime.”
Just press play to escape for a few minutes.
Like discovering dreamy tunes that take you to a happy place? Simply subscribe to this blog and we’ll email you our latest and greatest music finds.
amazing lily pad lid giveaway
When I first discovered these silicone lids, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Just ask our managers… they thought I was a little too excited about this curious kitchen product. I’ll let you be the judge. Take a peek at the video below.
I bought a set of these days after they arrived to our shop & use them almost daily to cover up left-overs & other kitchen projects in progress. Would you like to add a set your kitchen collection for free? ($47.80 value)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
We’ll draw a lucky firefly fan’s name on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 and the winner will be listed on this post.
Have fun, good luck and thanks for playing!
Don’t want to miss out on future fantastic firefly giveaways? Be sure to stay in the loop by signing up here and we’ll email our fun-filled blog posts to your inbox!
avocado egg salad dip
After searching high & low for clever egg salad recipes last week, I decided to try out the Mexican themed one with our extra Easter eggs.
Here’s what you’ll need for a serving size for 4-6.
8 boiled eggs
4 roma tomatoes
1 small onion
2 avocados
4 tablespoons of mayo
2 tablespoons of skim milk
4 tablespoons of lime juice
1/2 cup of feta cheese
salt & pepper to taste
Chop up the eggs, tomatoes & onion. Place in bow with feta cheese.
Mash up avocados & squeeze lime juice. Add mayo & milk, then mix together until smooth. Add to eggs & tomatoes & mix together. I served this as a dip with tortilla chips, but it could be served on bread or pita too. It was a perfect Easter evening dinner that was simple to make and surprisingly filling.
Like delicious recipes that are outside of the box? We love finding & sharing tasty treats. Don’t miss out on our future finds… simply sign up to receive these blog posts in your email in box.
coloring more than easter eggs
Inspired by Hey Jen Renee, I picked up some Kool-Aid packets to dye eggs with Tessa for Easter.
I can’t say I was thrilled with the outcome, but they made the kitchen smell fruity & turns out Tessa loves Kool-Aid (something they don’t have in Germany) After our little egg experiment, our conversation turned to dying hair with these fantastic bright colors. Tessa had been admiring a schoolmate’s blue tipped hair & wanted to know how to get a similar rainbow effect on her locks.
So she surprised her friend with this colorful plan & after watching this video they were ready to go.
We’re not completely sure how long the color will stay since we’ve read reports varying from days to over a month, but none the less it was a fun & frugal activity to do for a girl’s night in. Obviously it works best on lighter colored hair, but you can still get cool hues with darker toned hair.
The girls were happy with how their locks looked… and we even got Tuesday in the mix. Nothing like a turquoise tipped tail to get in the spring spirit.
Like to get a little creative now & then? Simply subscribe to this blog and we’ll email you a few of our snazzy ideas.
a rochester welcome
We’re excited to introduce the lovely, talented & oh-so-fun Cheryl Jones as our new Rochester manager.
Prior to joining team Catching Fireflies, Cheryl spent 20+ years in the fast-paced ad biz working for the Leo Burnett Agency (formally Darcy). She loved working with the variety of creative people in advertising but needed a break from the corporate world.
She started her search for a part-time job & the first place she applied was Catching Fireflies in Rochester. Cheryl mentioned, “The first time I walked into that store I fell in love with it so it seemed appropriate to apply for a job there so I could stay connected to creativity and be in a happy atmosphere.”
Unfortunately the Rochester location didn’t have any openings at that time, but our Berkley location did so she ended up joining Danielle’s team & spent 3 years in our whimsical world.
The opening of our sister store, Yellow Door Art Market in the fall of 2010 was perfecting timing to promote Cheryl to a management position. She led the way with flying colors & has been a big part of Yellow Door’s success story.
Although Cheryl lives in Rochester Hills, she grew up in Birmingham and shared that her mom would always go to Bordine’s to get her flowers. Of course, Cheryl had to tag along and complain about the “day” trip because it was like going out to the country back then! It’s a different story now that Cheryl has spent the last 15 years calling Rochester home.
We’re looking forward to Cheryl continuing her journey with us as she makes her way back to the location where it all started.
How do you celebrate 6 years?
That was the question I had to answer when it came to putting together a going away gift for our Rochester manager, Dena. It’s just a lot harder to answer when the gift recipient’s job was all about finding the perfect gift for all occasions.
After some pinterest brainstorming sessions, I was inspired by these vacation memory jars. So I started a little collection of goodies that represented Dena’s time with us.
The items I included all had a meaning behind them. I wrote little stories about each goody on a paper that I gave along with the jar.
It was a bit of a challenge to fit everything inside, but a including a photo definitely makes for a nice backdrop.
I think this idea could make a fantastic gift for any milestone event or new season of life.
I originally planned on including the butterfly inside the jar, but realized it was too big & since it was magnetized, it rested perfectly on the jar lid. I also like how it represents change & beauty… just like Dena pursuing her creative passion full time.
Love finding new ways to make days brighter for your family, friends & team members? Simply subscribe to this blog and we’ll email you a few of our snazzy ideas.