Category Archives: music to groove to

an uplifting tune to set the mood

an uplifting tune to set the mood
This song has been getting a lot of plays in my ipod… I love the upbeat tempo, positive message and the 1980’s Michael Jackson flair. How ’bout these lyrics to recharge your attitude about the day… Let it go……Can’t let this thing called love get away from youFeel free right now, going do what you want to doCan’t let nobody take it away, from you, from me, from weNo time for moping around, are .

presenting the john mayer jazz cats

presenting the john mayer jazz cats
I got an email last week about a crafty John Mayer video contest and I thought… was this designed for me?  I started brainstorming and remembered an interview when John was asked what he’d like to do next and his snarky-young-self replied, "I think it’d be great to play with some actual jazz cats."  So with that visual combined with some inspiration from a Claudine Hellmuth art workshop… I came up with this super .

a swingin’ summer tune to dance to

a swingin’ summer tune to dance to
I just stumbled upon this summer hip-hop hit and have decided that it’s my windows-down summer-road-trip song.  Of course, Kanye West still thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread, but I can overlook his ego issues because this beat is so sweet. A review reads, "West London’s Estelle manages to score a home run by getting Kanye West to collaborate and to twiddle the knobs on this funky, funky track. American Boy .

2nd row center – how sweet it is

2nd row center – how sweet it is
Steve & I headed down to the beautiful Blossom Amphitheater near Cleveland, Ohio to get our summer dose of Mr. John Mayer. Being part of the fan club certainly has it perks.  We landed the most amazing tickets.  Seeing a large show this close and personal was such an incredible experience. Some of my favorite moments of the evening included… a wonderful acoustic cover of the Tom Petty classic, Free Falling a swinging soul .

wind down with radiohead

wind down with radiohead
Loving this radiohead song – House of Cards from the album In Rainbows (don’t mind the first 15 seconds) A review reads, "House of Cards seems benign at first, with its ‘The Girl from Ipanema’ guitar sliding and Selway’s rim taps. But the echo on Yorke’s vocals gets stronger, and the words start to run together, and some synthesized string lines come in and when Yorke sings ‘Forget about your house of cards,’ it .

a love song to louis

a love song to louis
Love this little laid-back diddy by Teitur.  It’s a ‘love song’ (in a sense) to the talented Louis Armstrong. A review reads, " Following much in the shadow of other popular scandinavian artists, Teitur writes beautiful sweeping lyrics that are sung with a free spirited, quiet nature.  They’re the kind of songs you would find on in your car as you drive down a country lane in the middle of spring. This feeling continues .

funny stuff from flight of the conchords

funny stuff from flight of the conchords
Steve and I needed a good night of laughter and these two boys from New Zeeland were the perfect prescription. We had the opportunity to see them live in Ann Arbor last Saturday at the Michigan Theater.  A review reads, "Remember in college – or high school, whenever – when there were those two guys who always managed to make everything funny? They may not have been varsity captains, but if they were at .

we’re all in this together

we’re all in this together
… love these lyrics by Mr. Ben Lee A review reads, "Awake Is the New Sleep blends singer/songwriter folk and catchy pop with subtle hints of Americana and a dash of electronic experimentation. And it doesn’t waste any time before setting the mood. It’s the kind of album that’d be right at home oozing from the headphones of some searching soul meandering through the snow-covered Manhattan streets, pondering life’s strangeness and the broken hearts .

a trip to chicago compliments of mr. stevens

a trip to chicago compliments of mr. stevens
Thanks to the movie, Little Miss Sunshine, I was introduced to the wonderful music of Sufjan Stevens. There’s no formal video for this song, but you can view this little slide show of Sufjan while you enjoy this pretty ditty. Turns out this talented indie musician is from our great state of Michigan.  Stevens was born in Detroit and grew up in Petoskey where he attended the prestigious Interlochen Arts Academy. He also attended .

new soul

new soul
There’s nothing like a slick Apple ad to shine a spotlight on a new talented musician and Yael Naim is no exception.  I love this little diddy… A review reads, "What’s with the popularity of naifs?  Are we pining for lost innocence? The latest faux little girl is twenty-nine-year-old Yael Naim, a Tel Aviv-bred, Paris-based songbird whose single "New Soul" — like "1234" before it — became a hit thanks to exposure as the .