coffee filter snowflake scene
I get inspiration for my store windows from many things, people & places… one of them being Anthropologie. I blogged about these amazing windows I saw in New York in the summer of 2008.
The thing I love about Anthropologie is they always use common things like cups, books, bags, plastic bottles, cupcake liners… and turn them into amazing art installations. Unfortunately I don’t have a team of artists on call to implement such grand displays, however I do try to put my own simple spin on things… so here are my cupcake liner/coffee filter strings of snowflakes.
I picked up a couple different sizes of coffee filters & cupcake liners. I love the idea of cutting the coffee filters into more interesting circular shapes for added interest, but since I’m one gal making 10+ strings of these I passed on that detail. Now the fun part – stack your shapes & styles of snowflakes…
Note… curling ribbon melts when placed on very hot glue so wait a few seconds to let it cool before applying ribbon or use a different kind of ribbon/string that won’t melt with heat.
Since our store windows are rather tall, I made these pretties 7-8 feet long. I also chose not to flatten some of the liners & filters for varying looks.
When they are hung in groups, they really have a whimsical flair which makes them a perfect window display for our fun-lovin’ store… “walkin’ in a whimsical winter wonderland”
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