our very first celebrity gifting gig
So it turns out that the beautiful Kate Bosworth just started filming The Reasonable Bunch near Rochester yesterday. And to celebrate this new project, her peeps in California wanted to give her some delightful goodies to make her stay a little sweeter.
I'm assuming they googled super cute goodies + Rochester and found us! We were thrilled to help pick out some fun finds to make her days in the mitten a little brighter.
Stephanie wrapped & ribboned everything pretty pretty…
And here's what the lucky gal got…
CinemaTherapy Book, bucky balls, life is touch water bottle, Best DVDs You've Never Seen, locally made soy candle, signature scent shower bursts, cupcake dental floss, 101 things to do Before You're Old & Boring, tiara mug, mood buster shower bursts and cotton candy toothpicks!
We hope you enjoy your goodies Kate!