boho bedroom for our swedish daughter
This extra bedroom in our home has always been a catch all space housing various things ranging from a treadmill to ironing board so when we decided to host our fourth exchange student this school year it gave me the perfect excuse to get this room looking cute.
Our previous international daughters stayed in the room where Lolo’s nursery is now and it was much easier to fill up with furniture to create a comforting and cozy space. This room is a bit larger with lots of wall space so I created little vignettes of inspiring and pretty art wares to create a welcoming atmosphere.
Tessa, Jule and Iitu are pictured of the two instagram canvases on the wall and I plan to add to that gallery as we continue to grow our international family.
Slipper chairs might not be the most comfortable seat but I do love all the colors and patterns they come in plus the price is quite nice too. I’m sure this one will have the job of holding worn clothes and a book bag.
One diy project that I enjoyed putting together was this window pane wall piece. We removed lots of the hanging windows in our stores when we gave them a facelift a few years ago and I held on to a few just in case I could put them to use again.
I took pretty patterned scrapbook paper and cut them to fit the window panes then stuck them behind the glass with small pieces of double sided tape on the four corners. I used a chalk marker to doodle on some of the panes, taped pretty photos and quotes with washi tape to a few of the others and ended up leaving a few just with paper.
This collection of goodies came from a number of places including catching fireflies, yellow door art market, art fairs, cost plus world market. I do admit this space is a little heavy on artful affirmations but if I was heading to a foreign place for 10 months to live with a family I didn’t know… I think any extra positive reassurance would be a good thing.
YFU International Exchange Program is still looking to place students for this school year yet!! Since we are hosting our fourth international daughter, you might guess that this is something we enjoy and we do! (you can read a bit more about that here) Of course you don’t need a fancy room to welcome one of these teens into your home (that is just my thing) – you just need to provide guidance love and support (and food ;-). Learn more about hosting here and see students still seeking a host family here.
Okay… it’s only appropriate that I end this with one more inspiring saying. Even though this is our fourth time hosting, these kids are great at pushing me a little past my comfort zone and because of them I do find myself doing new things for the first time. This keeps me young and since I’m just past the big 4-0 it’s just one more reason to say yes to this adventure.
We look forward to welcoming Filippa in just a few days.
I’m always happy to share more about hosting exchange students. Just drop me an email and we can connect!
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Are you going to bring the flowers on the wall to the stores. I know these are yours as they are used on your frames, which I have many.
Actually they were available a few years ago but since then we have discontinued them from our line :-/