loops of love
Many of us know someone who has fought, won or lost the battle of breast cancer. Our relationships with these women and men connect all of us in a unique way and we want to celebrate that with our Loops of Love campaign this October.
To honor these amazing people in our lives we are linking together pink paper loops with the names of women and men you know that are fighting or have battled breast cancer. These loops of love will be displayed in all our shops during Breast Cancer Awareness month and we’ll be donating a dollar for every loop to The Pink Fund who provides short-term financial aid to breast cancer patients in active treatment, so they can focus on healing.
In addition to donating dollars for loops, we’ll also be selling these handmade silk heart bracelets at all our locations and online now through the month of October for $5.95 with all proceeds going to The Pink Fund. They’re the perfect accessory to wear during this month of awareness in celebration of the women and men in our lives who have fought breast cancer.
And for some extra fun, we’ll be selecting a number of our nominated names to send surprise snail mail in hopes of making their days brighter this October.
1. Email your Loop Love name(s) to service@catchingfireflies.com with subject title: Loops of Love (please do not leave info in the comments section on this blog post)
2. Include their full name(s) and mailing address(es) if you would like them to be eligible to possibly receive surprise snail mail. (There will be a note explaining Loops of Love but the surprise pink envelopes will be sent anonymously)
3. Please let us know if they are currently fighting, have won or lost the battle to breast cancer
4. Include your full name and your relationship to the nominee.
Thank you for partnering with us to make days brighter this fall!