I like exchange students
Three years ago about this time Steve & I made the decision to host our very first exchange student. It was a little scary and exciting all at the same time considering it had been just us two since we tied the knot over 10 years ago. Now we are happy to say our little international family consists of three lovely European daughters… Tessa, Jule and Iitu.
It’s been over a month since Iitu returned home to Finland and her exit was definitely not without tears… but it didn’t start out that way. Iitu was the first girl we hosted that let us know being an exchange student wasn’t necessarily her idea. This made me a little nervous about our upcoming year together but it wasn’t long until she stole our hearts with her silliness, seriousness and her full rainbow of other characteristics in-between.
So when it came to creating a going-away gift, this quote leaped off my pinterest page. I’m all for carefully plotting out safe and secure plans but sometimes when a wise person suggests you make a right turn down a road you’ve never been on before… that’s often when your trip gets more interesting… more rewarding … more rich… more memorable.
That’s why I like exchange students. What do you like?
You don’t need to have teenagers live with you for 10 months to make that right turn (but if that does interest you… check out YFU) This inspiring book and website is jam packed with loads of simple stories that change the direction of your normal routine. A quote from the book reads, “When we choose to give, we change, and the people around us change. When we move from awareness to action, miracles happen. When we allow giving to be our idea, a world of possibilities opens up before us, and we discover new levels of joy.”
And I definitely can attest to that. This summer, both of our German daughters came to visit and I enjoyed some fantastic times I would have never experienced if they were not here.
I know I’m in the business of selling gifts, but I’ve found that often giving is one of the the best gifts you can receive.

Love this idea! Pinned it to my travel board. We are a Michigan family living in Germany for 4 years and I love this idea for *myself*! The quote is great and would be neat with photos of our friends and adventures overseas. P.S. I miss Catching Fireflies! :)
Thanks for sharing Jen. We miss you too :-) So happy we’ve inspired you to capture your time away in a unique way!
April, what a touching testament about hosting a Youth For Understanding exchange student. Ken and I feel exactly the same way as we await Teen #23 next week—our new son coming from Greenland. I will put this link up on the YFU Facebook sites. Yes, I agree, GIVERS get the most out of life! (Families interested in hosting can call me at 248-932-0811 for a list of available boys and girls.)
Thanks Barb! We have truly enjoyed growing our international family. Looking forward to adding more siblings to that list soon :-)