our own celebrities take on hollywood game night
At the end of every holiday season, we like to throw a party to celebrate another year of making days brighter. The past couple years we tested our team’s skills with minute-to-win-it challenges which proved to be quite fun and entertaining. This time, we decided to play some fun games from Hollywood Game Night… after all these gals are the super stars of our little company.
Take the Hint: Select one player from your team to do the guessing while the other players need to give one word clues to get them to guess the word. The host holds the cards up so only the team members giving hints can see them. For example if the word is Santa…. the first team member would say – PRESENTS, the next team member – JOLLY, the next – BEARD and so on until they guess the right answer. The guesser only gets only one guess per answer and each correct answer scores a point. This round lasts 90 seconds. You can see a video clip of how this works here.
Here are some words you could use for this game: popcorn, E.T., Rome, Diet Coke, bulldog, Empire State Building, Abe Lincoln, Starbucks, Superman, volcano, tattoo, Texas, Snoopy, parrot, U2, blender, Christopher Columbus, Snow White, microwave, Rolling Stones, Victoria’s Secret, dragon, daffodil, Nutella
Cereal Killer: Each team sends up one player and the image of cereal is revealed. Whoever hits the ringer first gets to guess the cereal. If the first player is wrong, the opponent can answer correctly and get the point. Each correct answer scores a point. You can download cereal images for Raisin Nut Bran, Life, Kix, Golden Grahams and Trix here. You can download cereal images for Grape Nuts, Fruity Pebbles, Corn Chex, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Captain Crunch here.
How Do You Do?: Each team has 90 seconds to guess as many songs as possible, using only the word “doo”. Once a teammate guesses a song, they must perform the next one. Players can pass on songs they don’t know or if their team is having a hard time guessing. Each correct answer is worth five points. You can see a video clip of how this works here.
Here are some songs you could use for this game: Pretty Woman, Stop in the Name of Love, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, U Can’t Touch This, Row Row Row Your Boat, YMCA, We Didn’t Start the Fire, Hit the Road Jack, I’m Bringing Sexy Back, Sweet Caroline, I Just Call To Say I Love You, Born to be Wild, Lean on Me, Like a Virgin, Stayin’ Alive, Heard it Through the Grapevine, I Love Rock-n-Roll, LaBamba, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, I’m Coming Out, Thriller, Celebrate Good Times, Wake Me Up Before You Go Go, We are Family, She Works Hard for Her Money
TV ID: A player from each team is shown a TV show title and must buzz in and bid as to how few words as possible it’ll take to get their team to guess. If the first player says they can do it in 2 words, the other player can choose to under bid them if they think they can get their team to guess it in one word. If the team who guesses gets it wrong, the points go to the other team. A correct guess wins two points. Players are not allowed to use character or actor names on the show. You can see a video clip of how this works here.
Here are some TV shows you could use for this game: The Bachelor, Glee, Oprah, Modern Family, Sopranos, Duck Dynasty, Dancing with the Stars, Friends, Ellen, Seinfeld, The Office, Amazing Race, Price is Rice, Family Feud, Big Bang Theory, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Simpsons, American Idol, Downton Abbey
Timeline: The team has 90 seconds to place 6 images in chronological order from the earliest to the latest. When they are done, they hit a button nearby and the host tells them how many are correct. Every time they get less than six correct, they can go back and make some changes. When time is up or if the team gets them all right, they score 2 points for each correct placement. After both teams play the game, a five point bonus is awarded to the team who got them all right or had the fastest time in case of a tie. You can see a video clip how it works here.
You can download the sexist man alive magazine covers here.
Brad Pitt 2000, Ben Affleck 2002, Matthey McConaughey 2005, George Clooney 2006, Johnny Depp 2009, Channing Tatum 2012
You can download popular toys here.
rubiks cube 1980, cabbage patch kids 1983, transformers 1984, care bears 1985, gameboy 1989, tickle me elmo 1996
I Love a Charade: This game is a 90 second tag team round and all subjects in this round fit under a specific category. Once a teammate guesses a correct answer, they must perform the next charade. Players can pass if they don’t know it or if their team is having a hard time guessing.
Each correct answer is worth five points. We chose movies by Tom Cruise for one team and movies by Tom Hanks for the other.
Here are some Tom Hanks movies you could use for this game: Turner & Hooch, The Money Pit, Castaway, You’ve Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, Forrest Gump, Toy Story, Polar Express, Splash, Apollo 13, Catch Me if You Can, A League of Their Own, Davinci Code, Big, Green Mile
Here are some Tom Cruise movies you could use for this game: Last Samurai, Rock of Ages, War of the Worlds, Eyes Wide Shut, Rain Main, Top Gun, Risky Business, Interview with a Vampire, Cocktail, Mission Impossible, A Few Good Men, Jerry Maguire, Days of Thunder, Color of Money
Celebrity Name Game: In the show this is considered a bonus round, however we play it a little differently. The goal is to get your team to guess as many celebrities as possible in 90 seconds. The chosen player describes a different celebrity as best they can until the team guesses correctly. Player can pass they don’t know or if their team is having a hard time guessing. Every correct answer is worth one point.
Here are some celebrities you could use for this game: John Mayer, Selena Gomez, Mark Zuckerberg, John Hamm, Clint Eastwood, Steven Speilberg, Charlie Sheen, Jennifer Hudson, Taylor Swift, Betty White, Demi Moore, Lady GaGa, Tiger Woods, Honey Boo Boo, Tom Cruise, Tina Fey, Paula Abdule, Tyra Banks, Kevin Bacon, Mike Tyson, Molly Ringwald, Will Smith, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Angelina Jolie, Kayne West, Simon Cowell, Paul Rudd, Linsdsay Lohan, Beyonce, Denzel Washington, Katy Perry, Jimmy Fallon, Ellen, Cameron Diaz, John Stewart, Justin Timberlake
We had loads of fun playing these games and would highly recommend it for a party activity if you you have 8-12 people along with someone to host the shenanigans, and keep the time and score. If you want to follow our lead, feel free to download our score sheet here. Besides that, all you need are some blank index cards & a sharpie to create your game cards, our image downloads and a couple desk bells for ringers.
Cheers to a Hollywood Game Night to remember at your next get-together!
Also thank you to our very own super stars who made this a most memorable night!
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Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I have been hunting for just these lists and pictures for a family reunion where we want to play Hollywood Game Night. You saved me tons of time!
Happy to help out! Have fun… we certainly did :-)
Thank you!!! I was hoping that someone had posted a Hollywood Game Night home version for us to play at our family Easter get-together. These all sound great and you have already done most of the work for me! It should be an excellent family game night! Thanks again!
Happy to share! Have a great time :-)
Hi April!
You rock! Thank you SO much for sharing your hard work gathering all the info and examples!
I plan on using this for a 15 year olds birthday party, a July 4th bbq and for Christmas. I also bought 4″ foam letters and masks for a new game they intro’d on the show this year. I really appreciate you taking the time to post your fun day.
Yay – happy to spread the fun :-)
You are absolutely wonderful for posting this up! I am having my birthday party, and I was about to plan everything out… you have helped so much! :) Thank you!
I hosted a Game Night with about 18 adults (party was held outdoors). In addition to some of the games listed above, I incorporated an old fashion relay race which included potato sack, jump rope, hula hopping, wheel barrel, etc. Nothing more fun that watching people ages 28-62 run around like a bunch of 10 year old kids! The party was a big hit!!!!
You are so awesome for posting this….very very helpful!! My party is in a couple of weeks and we are going to have a blast for sure!! Thanks!!!!
Yay — happy to help with your party plans :-)
Thank you! We had so much fun at girls night with these games! I’m going to do use them again on Christmas Eve with my family.
Thanks for sharing. So happy to hear these were a hit!
I followed your directions exactly and even used your score cards. New Years Eve for 14 people couldn’t have been more fun.
I actually wrote all the clues and answers on word documents and loaded them onto my iPad. So when the contestant passed she just swiped and had a new clue to solve. Additionally I downloaded a games how buzzer app on a couple of phones and used those in the came. It was classic.
I’m so glad I came across your blog.
Yay ~ So happy your party was a success!
We used a lot of your great ideas at a party last night. It was a huge success!
Yay! Thanks for sharing :-)
Do you have links to the card you printed/ used?
We only have links to the magazine covers and cereal images.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing. It sure does help those of us who want to do something spectacular but think about it at the last minute! :)