dog lover giveaway
In celebration of Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, we’ve put together some delightful finds that any dog lover would enjoy.
Frame your cute canine in our handmade Laugh, Love, Bark frame. Let your guests know that they may get a few sloppy kisses from your furry family member when the come to visit with this fun sign. Does this To-Do List magnet sound familiar? Dog owners know that hair from your perfect pooch only enhances the taste of your coffee. ($67.90 value)
Just enter below & we’ll select the lucky firefly fan’s name on Tuesday, October 8, 2013 and the winner will be listed on this post.
Have fun, good luck and thanks for playing!
Don’t want to miss out on future fantastic firefly giveaways? Be sure to stay in the loop by signing up here and we’ll email our fun-filled blog posts to your inbox!

I love my dogs personality
i love how sweet and loving my dog is towards everyone
I have a new puppy, Lexi, that is the SWEETEST thing ever! She gives unconditional love.
I swear some days I love my dog more than people!
I love my pup’s reaction to the question “where’s Daddy?.” He gets so excited and tilts his head so sweet. He knows who his mom, dad and grandmas are and that’s all he needs
I love my lab, he is always by my side and has a wet nose to remind you :)
thanks for an opportunity to WIN!
My dog is my buddy, love my Stella!
I love that my dog loves to snuggle as much as I do:)
Few things are better than coming home to a wagging tail. Love my Grady.
We love our dog because she has the heart and spirit to turn the strongest opinions into being dog people. She is mellow and sweet: loves to tuck our kids in at night and waits on the front porch for them after school. In just a few short weeks she will be a momma again! Our angel is a Leader Dog Mom Dog. She is the proudest mom of her pups and works very hard making sure they are well cared for and protected.
What a great giveaway! I would love to put my girls Casey and Zoey in that picture frame!
I love that my dog loves to be with his family!
He love me unconditionally always! He is the best dog ever! xoxo
Our little Yorkie loves us no matter what. When we are gone for even an hour she gets so excited when we return you would think we had been gone a month.
I have the greatest dog! He is absolutely joined at the hip with me, a wonderful 7 year old chocolate lab! The best quote I have heard is “My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am.” (don’t know where the quote originated… sorry)
I love his doggy smell.
The thing I love most about dogs they always forgive. Last week we left our pointer June outside all night by accident and boy was she mad at us. When we got home from work that evening it was as if nothing happened.
I love the frame. Although my Snuffy has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge, I know just who to give this to. A great way to introduce them to Catching Fireflies!
I love when my dog sits next to me and leans in. She is a sweetheart and my constant shadow.
I love when my dogs climbs up on my lap and leans against me to sleep. It would be even better if she didn’t weigh almost 60 pounds. :)
Love when my two dogs, Data and Jean Luc snuggle with me!
I love when I come home after a long day and she greets me with great enthusiasm!
I love when I come home from work and Picasso is ALWYAS to happy to see me. It doesn’t matter what type of day I have had he puts me in a great mood!
I love my puppies’ unconditional love!
Dog cuddles are the best!
unconditional doggie love!
I love how my dog will just curl up on your feet when you start to pet her. :D
I love the greeting I know I will have everyday when I come home from work!
I love how sweet my dog is, he is too adorable!
We love our new puppy Cooper Finn because he has sweet puppy breath, he radiates joy, and heals the sadness
Of having lost our dear pet kitty… Each day we are full of gratitude for his endless love for us and life!
I love seeing my dogs in the front window when I drive into my driveway. Seeing their faces light up immediately melts away any stress or worry I may have.
I love that she makes me feel that I am the one person she has been waiting for all day.
I love that my dog snuggles on my feet to keep them warm! :)
My dogs are happy to see me & they just love to follow me around (even if I don’t have food)!
dogs are such fun
I love how much joy our dog brings us. She is just amazing at lifting our spirits.
I love when my sister’s dog cuddles with me.
I love the my dogs live in the moment, they are happy at this moment, not worrying about what happened yesterday or what could happen tomorrow. They keep me in check when I worry a little too much!
I love my dogs unconditional love and seeing how happy they are to see me.
Dogs make it all good!
I love that when I go to sit down at the end of the day
two of the fours dogs will come and snuggle keeping
my feet all toasty warm :)
I love my dog’s unconditional love and fun spirit!
I love that my dog is a snuggler!
I love my dog because she is truly mommy’s lil princess. She loves me like no other and always chooses me above anyone else
I love my puppy’s sweet demeanor and endless curiosity!
I have 3 dogs, and love them for being silly, full of life and crazy antics!
How they can make laugh no matter what kind of day I have. Also all the love they give me.
I love my boys- Duke and Rascal. They are the brothers to my kids, and now the uncles to my grandson! :-)
They are the best snugglers in the world. Always know how to melt my heart.
My dog has a hard time getting around due to her arthritis in her hips, but she is still the happiest girl you’ll ever meet!
I love how our two dogs can turn my whole day around by being so excited to see me each day. Rescuing them was the best idea we ever made.
I love how clever my dog is. He will place one of his toys or a bone over something that he shouldn’t chew (like my shoe) to make it look like he is chewing on something that he is supposed to. I can’t even be mad at him, that’s clever!