terribly cute 3 tiered displays
It only took me two years, but I finally got around to creating my own version of these diy displays I fell in love with at I like You in Minneapolis. Finding the glasses, bowls and plates was the easy part… what took so long was finding cute critters and fun figurines to house inside the glasses. Luckily I found a nice variety when I visited a flea market outside of Boston this summer.
Here’s what I bought to make four displays. Four each of… wine glasses, tumbler sized glasses, dinner sized plates, dessert sized plates and bowls and eight small figurines or toys that fit inside the glasses. I found my dishes at Salvation Army, dollar store and in the Target clearance section . There was a mixture of ceramic and melamine styles.
Then I arranged them to see what looked best together and decided what figurines fit in what glasses.
Next I glued the figurines, glasses, plates and bowls together. You don’t need too much of E6000 since it tends to spread out a bit as it settles and cures. Also don’t make the mistake of moving your displays too early. I recommend a full day. I learned the hard way & had to repair one of them that was still a little gooey even though I thought it had dried overnight.
And ta-da! Four clever kitschy displays headed to our catching fireflies shops! Our hedgehogs, puppies and elephants will keep a close eye on the bracelets, bobby pins and other treasures destined for these re-purposed creations.
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