15 goodies to surprise your kid at college
Want to send a little love to your college bound kid? Ship a few of these finds in a box to their new nest and you’re guaranteed a happy phone call… or least a text ;-)
1. This handy bookmark will keep track of exactly where you stopped studying $6.95
2. Dive into this new way of life fully prepared with The Dorm Survival Guide $12.95
3. Studying stinks… so why not make it smell better with yummy smelling hi-liters? $5.95
4. Let your teen know you’re keeping an eye on them with these silly push pins $5.95
5. Everyone needs a little thinking putty to get those brain cells in shape $11.95
6. This helpful kit is a must-have for minor dorm disasters $25.95
7. Stay alert for that early morning class with some help from this silly heat sensitive mug $13.95
8. This unicorn by far is the most magical way to sharpen your pencils $6.95
9. Don’t get too overwhelmed with your studies… like this gentleman holding up your library of books $17.95
10. Keep track of important deadlines & dates to visit home on this inspiring and artful mini Curly Girl calendar $7.99
11. String up this decorative magnet cable to showcase some of your favorite pics. $9.95
12. Keep embarrassing bathroom smells concealed with some powerful poo-pourri $9.95
13. A little shower aromatherapy is always a good way to get re-charged and ready for the day $4.25
14. This tiny whistle can make a giant sound. A great security item to have on your key chain. $3.00
15. Living with roommates takes lots of communication… just sayin’ $4.00
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