ann arbor fairy doors
If you are looking for a little adventure to embark on with your kids this summer, I suggest a trip to Ann Arbor to find some fanciful fairy doors.
If you look a little closer, you’ll find these miniature magical doors tucked in a large variety of businesses all around the city. Even NPR has taken notice and recently chatted with Jonathan Wright, founder of Urban Fairy Operations about this whimsical phenomenon. Take a listen to his 3 minute interview HERE.
Being the whimsical shop we are, I decided to take it one step farther and create an actual fairy house for catching fireflies. It always makes me smile to find coins, candy and other found objects children leave behind for the fairies to find.
If you peek inside this happy home you’ll also find a tiny table & chair set I created with some twigs, bark and trusty hot glue. Here’s how I made it…
I adorned it with some colorful silk flowers and voila… a delightful dining experience for fairies with fine taste.
Between this really cute residence, our purple wheelbarrow garden and amusing bubble factory, we are quite sure fairies do dance with the fireflies in our courtyard at dusk when no one is looking ;-)
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Neat ideas!