the best thing about our towns
We are excited to be partnering with Michigan artist, Katie Doucette this year. She makes these sweet subway signs that celebrate our state.
We are going to be carrying this 8×10 Michigan themed sign soon and she also agreed to do similar styled ones for our store cities, Ann Arbor, Berkley, Rochester and also Detroit. But we need your help! If you live in any of these cities or have some serious Detroit pride, we’d like to hear what wording you’d like to see on our custom signs.
We invite you to comment below. Just list the city (Ann Arbor, Berkley, Rochester or Detroit) and the the words you feel that represent the city best. (comments will appear after approval)
Thanks for being a part of creating this art!

Belle Isle, Eastside, Westside, SouthWest D, Northend
Eastland, Westland, Northland, Southland
What about the Red Wings? For Ann Arbor, you have to have The Big House, and for Berkley, The Woodward Dream Cruise!
Berkley: Community, Living Room Patio, Berkley Days, Cruisefest Parade
Arbor: Zingermans, Farmer’s Market, Hands On Museum
Detroit- Hockeytown, Campus Martius, Ren Center, Belle Isle
Berkley – Amici’s pizza, Clark’s ice cream, summer art fair
Rochester – Knapps burgers, Home Bakery cakes, Heritage festival, Dinosaur Hill, Ducky race, Sheep on main, Krues & Muer, Lipuma’s hotdogs
Berkley: the Catching Fireflies store (of course!), the people, the Living Room, the Art Bash, and the sidewalks.
ROCHESTER!: Fire and Ice, Big Bright Light Show, Lagniappe, Downtown shopping and eating, great neighbors
Buddy’s Pizza, MoonRiver Soap Co., Sanders,
Detroit – Cobo, The Joe, The RenCen, the tunnel, Ambassador Bridge, Riverwalk, People Mover, Greektown, the corner of Michigan and Trumball, Eastern Market, Vernor’s, BetterMade Chips, Ernie Harwell, Paws,
Detroit – The Parade Company, Grand Prix, Grosse Pointe War Memorial, CoAmerica Park, Detroit Conservancy, Detroit Historical Society (Detroit Historical Museum)
I really like the Michigan sign, but you for Lake ONTARIO. How about some other cities like Royal Oak….Dream Cruise, Detroit Zoo, Frederik’s Star Dream, Woodward Avenue, Ray’s Ice cream, Memorial Park……
Rochester….Leader Dog, Main Street, Knapp’s, Cider Mills
Rochester: Van Hoosen Farm, Main Street, Big Bright Light Show, Laginappe, Red Knapp’s, Knapp’s Donuts, Home Bakery, Christmas Parade, Farmers’ Market, Downtown, Royal Park, Kruse and Muer, Sidewalk Sales, Movies at Midnight, Rochester Park, Main Street,
ROCHESTER: Lipuma’s (best coney dogs in town!), the Downtown Rochester Farmer’s Market, Main Street, Rochester Mills Beer Co, Festival of the Hills, sidewalk sales, summer concerts, Restaurant Week, Oktoberfest, Big Bright Light Show, Girls Night Out, Kruse and Muer, fresh local ingredients, Heritage Festival, parks, trails, bake sales…