signs of love giveaway
Since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, what better time to celebrate LOVE?! Grab this eye catching collection of wood signs for your home or spread a little love by giving them away to your friends and family. ($50.80 value)
Just enter below & we’ll select the lucky firefly fan’s name on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 and the winner will be listed on this post.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Have fun, good luck and thanks for playing!
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i enjoy walking with my loved ones
I love spending time with friends and family out by the pool! Summer can’t come soon enough!
I love sitting down to a good meal with our family! It evokes stories, fun and laughter! Memories made and hearts warmed!
Happy Valentines Day!
My favorite thing to do with loved ones is just simply spending time with them – no need to have a special activity!
LOVE these signs! Love your store!
I LOVE Catching Fireflies! If you were a public company, I would buy stock :)
Pressed ‘post’ too early’! I love valentines day because it allows me to stop reflect on all of the people that make me feel so lucky. These signs would make me stop regularly in my busy life to reflect on what is important..they would be my constant reminder.
I love spending a day on the hiking trails with my family.
For the past few summers my sisters and their families (from Illinois and Indiana)have joined us for a week at a friend’s home on the shore of Lake Michigan. The cousins have bonding time and we sisters have catch-up time. The husbands…well they have cigar and golf time. We have lots of laughs, play games, toast s’mores and hang on the beach. Life doesn’t get any sweeter than that. The pace is slow, no schedules and no electronics. Every moment is a gift.
I love anything that involves laughter most! :)
I love to light the fire, make popcorn and play board games with my kids and husband. I love the family interaction and the excitement of the kids playing with Mon and Dad!
I enjoy seeing movies, plays, and cuddling with our puppy with loved ones:)
Relaxing up north
I love taking my nieces and nephews for a day out with their Auntie! It doesn’t really matter what we’re doing, as long as we’re doing it together.
Love Catching Fireflies!
Just spending time with my children and grandchildren. It doesn’t matter what we are doing. (:
Super cute signs!
Thanks! ♥
WE love not having any plans…staying in our pj’s for as long as we can that day…ordering in, watching a movie and cuddling with our lap dog…those are the best moments : )
I love to spend time talking and sharing a meal as a family
I love dancing!
And I love your store.
Spending time with family & friends is what I love most. We could just be sitting around doing nothing, but those are things I love & cherish.
love just laughing and playing
I love doing anything with my husband and our two daughters- as long as the four of us are together!
I LOVE snuggling with my little ones!!!
Love crafting with my loved ones… or spending time doing nothing at all.
I absolutely love these signs, and love the Rochester location. Special place!
Snuggling — my loved ones are my 3 dogs. Love them so much. Great giveaway. Thank you.
I love coming home from work to have my kitty waiting for me to give her some chin scratches :)
I love to get together with my loved ones and eat good food and do lots of laughing.
Family group hugs!!!
I love traveling with my husband, but most of all I love him just being there with me for anything. Awesome signs:) We have one that says ” I woof you”.
We love playing chase with our one-year old. Then, to wind down, reading books!
I love just being with the one i love…. and I LOVE these very cool signs…
thanks for an opportunity to WIN!
I love to go on the boat and jet ski during the summer with my loved ones. I love spending the weekends with my husband when hes not working and watching our son grow :)
Just watching as they sleep peacefully and knowing all is well.
Telling stories, imagined or real
Family Parties!
Signs are awesome !! We need to remember what real love is. I love just spending time with my love.
relaxing on the back patio on summer evenings!
I love chatting and listening with the people I care about!
I love playing with them…on the playground or with our favorite board game Pokeno or making art or just being silly. :)
What I love doing with my loved ones is having a game night. Relaxed and fun!
Love making them special food and sharing it with them!
I love going out places with them and cuddling to a good movie :)
Love is a many splendor thing!
That large one suits my hubby and I perfectly! He always says I’m the cream in his coffee and I tell him he’s the one in my wonderful! :) Do you still sell the larger one? Do you ship? How much?
Thanks for commenting :-) We only have this size available and you can order it online. I hope this info is helpful.