rock your vote giveaway
The big election is just 3 weeks away! We encourage all our firefly fans to head to the polls and rock your vote on November 6th.
So whether you bleed blue or are all the way red, we invite you to have a little fun with our lighthearted election giveaway. We’ll select two lucky firefly fans & they can choose the right wing mug, republican wine stopper & book OR the bleeding heart mug, democrat wine stopper & book ($38.95 value)
Enter below & we’ll draw a lucky firefly fan’s name on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 and the winner will be listed on this post.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Have fun, good luck and thanks for keeping this giveaway friendly!
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I always believe it’s silly to say the current president but President Obama has been a wonderful leader and a great inspiration.
How fun for us bledding hearts!
I agree with you on President Obama. Nevertheless, I have recently been to Campobello, New Brunswick Canada and have read a lot about FDR; he seemed to have a good handle on people, crises despite his hands being largely filled as well.
I can honestly say that President Obama has been one of my favorite presidents (in history). I really admire him owning up to his shortcomings, and being a family man. No president is perfect, and this president has truly strived for excellence amongst adversity!
I am strong supporter of our President. I think he is doing a great job all things considered.
Bill Clinton is my favorite, however, I am in full support of President Obama.
President Clinton is my favorite President.
Go Romney…Go Romney.
I was raised & taught that politics, much like religion, is personal…but if given the choice of prizes, I know which ones I will choose! lol
Jimmy Carter. He introduced energy conservation and innovation to the country, turning down the White House thermostat and installing solar panels…yes, solar panels!…on the White House roof! How cool is that? He also oversaw boatloads of land conservation efforts, including the Endangered American Wilderness Act. And of course his active participation in Habitat for Humanity and peacemaking efforts for decades are supercool!
Bill Clinton does get a bucket of brownie points though for a whole lot, including going vegan…yay!
FDR or Lincoln.
John F. Kennedy
I’m a proud democrat, living in a red state, this deserves a prize!
Teddy Roosevelt. He was one of the first conservationists. He accomplished many great things and was a big Scouting supporter.
This election seems especially divisive! Thank you for making it a bit more fun and pleasant!
I try so hard to not talk about politics…. that being said, I would have to say my favorite is George Washington or John Hancock. Afterall, didn’t it start there? And isn’t that why we have the freedoms we have today? I have not yet decided who I will vote for this year and am finding it hard to believe anything either one says.
Bleeding Heart Liberal…Go Obama!
President Obama has done a good job in very hard times.
Go for Obama!! Under the circumstances, he is doing a great job.
My favorite president is Jimmy Carter…he was just too honest to win a second term.
Harry Truman was a fascinating straightforward kind of guy.
I have always thought JFK.
Historically, I like John Adams.
I think Ronald Reagan was a great President, and an all around class act.
George Washington
I may not be a bleeding heart liberal, but I am close! I am going to Barack my vote!