googly eye bombing
I love this growing trend of yarn bombing. There’s just something delightful about seeing trees, parking meters & telephone poles covered in colorful yarn. So it’s no surprise that I couldn’t help but to smile when I spotted these fanciful trees when I was in Birmingham last weekend.
I do believe this is some of the fanciest yarn bombing I’ve seen. I love how the artist used zip ties for the bug antennae.
I must admit I wish I had the knitting skills or the patience to create scenes like these… but I don’t. However I do like the element of surprise & that’s why I couldn’t resist stocking our stores this season with tins of emergency googly eyes.
Why you might ask? Well, the same reason I like to see trees covered in yarn… it’s unexpected.
Only sticking googly eyes around your office, home or town is a little easier to pull off than knitting around a parking meter on a public street… and I’m fairly certain your newly animated objects will gain some grins from friends, co-workers & strangers alike. I mean it’s hard NOT to smile back at these eye bombed creations :-)
It’s truly amusing how two little plastic eyes can add personality to the simplest objects.
The fun part is looking at things differently & seeking out what to animate next. Lucky for you there are 40 eyes in each tin so you can spread a little silliness wherever you go. So what are you waiting for… go forth & googly eye bomb your neighborhood! We gotta feeling it’s bound to make someone’s day brighter.

I had absolutely no idea there were so many uses for googly eyes, I will be sure to stop by and pick some up and ‘let the bombing begin’