personalized license plate sign giveaway
We’ve been getting some wonderful Greatest Gift Challenge entries this month. We’ll be collecting your stories through the end of the month so there’s still time to enter. Get more details HERE.
There’s no doubt that personalized goods are definitely a meaningful choice when it comes to finding a perfect gift. Our Rochester team member, Kim experienced this first hand when she gave this handmade license plate sign to her grandparents. Now you too can score your very own personalized sign with this month’s giveaway. (up to a $62.95 value)
We’ll draw a lucky firefly fan’s name on Tuesday, July 31, 2012 and the winner will be listed on this post.
Have fun, good luck and thanks for playing!
Don’t want to miss out on future fantastic firefly giveaways? Be sure to stay in the loop by signing up here and we’ll email our fun-filled blog posts to your inbox!

Love, love, love everything about Catching Fireflies.
I wonder if ‘Life is Beautiful’ would fit? If it would I’d do that … or “Go Blue”
I have always been fascinated by license plates and now my kids are too! This item is a terrific gift idea! Love it!
oh what a cool thing! i would love one :)
Just wanted to enter the giveaway for those awesome plates! I think they would look great at my law firm!
Great art sign
My sign would say….Life Is Good At The Gilbert’s Pool!
My sign would say Make Good Choices!
My sign would say “Love 2 Bake” because I’ve loved baking (especially cupcakes and cakes) since I was a pre-teen. It’s my favorite hobby!
How cute and creative
I would put my nephew’s name on it and give it to him for his birthday…he’d love it! Cheers!
Your store has such cute & unique items!!
We’re thinking of putting the sign in our new game room and putting “Make Time For Play” on it.
“I LUV AFRICA” would be my plate. I’ve been two times and I LOVE everything about it there. Miss it like crazy!
Have always loved seeing these in the shop. . .gotta think what mine will say if I win. :-)
Mine would say the Busch family or I love dance!
To put by my front door or in my room!
i am going to give it to my son to take and decorate his dorm at college, he is a freshman! whoo hoo..
thanks for an opportunity to win.
i love your store…i am going to have to come visit sometime.
melissa from WA
personalized license plate sign giveaway
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Melissa Roberts
best little store ever!!!!
These are terrific! I think mine would say Hockeytown or Hockey Cave
Would love to give this as a birthday present! Something personal and special.
I would like mine to say my kids’ names. I would put it up in the room that they share (usually peacefully!)
I proudly drive my Scarlett red car with my personalized plate FIDL DD showing my Gone With The Wind passion. I would love to get FIDDLE DEE DEE as a personalized license plate for my GWTW room in my house!
My sign would say “Mellophones.” I’m in the EMU Marching Band, and we’ve always had a “Mellophone Dr.” Sign that we hang up at our tree by the field, and this would be something really cool to have as well!
Great way to speak whats in your heart, and so creatively!
mine would say “Bring It On”
I have always found license plates fascinating. They are each individual works of art and together they make a real statement. I also remember playing a road trip game, in the car, where you had to find plates from out of state. I would love a plate to hang at our cabin.
My sign would say “Peace”
Such a fun store to browse and shop in for myself and others! :)
I’m thinking “be otherworldly” or just Plain and simple “smile” :)
Love Your Store – my plate would say either Cupp Cabin or Live Love Laugh both would look great at our Cabin.
A wonderful homecoming gift for my mother-in-law! My husband and his brother are both Marines and my brother in law comes home (safe!) From Afghanistan next month. A good way to put a smile on her face.
These are so much fun – I love browsing all of the signs that you have in the store. I just got married a month ago and my husband I are looking for fun items to decorate the house. :)
I would have the sign say our last name. Love the store!!
We’re a military family that moves around a lot, so I would definitely want to tie the license plates of all the places we’ve lived into our custom license plate. Maybe our last name with the number of the year we got married??? I also like “Que Sera Sera”.
“Welcome to the Sueseum”…because my friends say I have such an eclectic home (and my name is Sue).
“Your Gal Friday” for my business!
Love your blog, so glad I came across it and follow. A gift sign of my choice would say “Capt. Carl’49.
It would be a gift for my favorite LOTR fan/husband: “Speak friend and enter.” I know that would get a special spot in our home. :-)
My would say Harm None – the wiccan rede
I am thinking mine would say “Love the Life U Live”
Live, love, laugh!
My sign would say — Count your blessings
We’re about to move, so I would let my girls pick something for the sign for their new room to make them feel at home :) Love your site!!
My sign would say our last name. Great idea! Love these!
Mine would say Beach Bum :)
I dont know, so many things you could have it say…I think I would do Vitale
I’d love ours to say our last name and put in our dining room with all of our other funky stuff :)
Something to do with loving out national parks. Not sure exactly what yet.
Ours would say “Breathe–You’re Home Now” or maybe “Don’t Rust Away”
I absolutely love these personalized license plates. So great.
Pinning on pinterest.