lemonade 4 sale
When June hits, I always have a pitcher of lemonade in my fridge. Something about that combination of sweet & tart makes it one of my favorite summer sips. (especially when it’s mixed with iced tea) Since lemonade is synonymous with summer, I recruited Tessa, our German exchange student one last time to help me with the shop’s windows.
After I finished up our other display window, I popped in to find Tessa creating a lemonade inspired dress out of tissue paper. This picture truly sums up her personality in a nut shell… silly, creative, funny & happy with a side of mischief. She petitioned that we leave the lemon shaped pasties on our mannequin, but she was over ruled by her slightly more conservative host mom ;-)
I put up our faux lemonade stand, while she continued to craft a quite delightful yellow dress & act silly in between.
In the end, we had a very stylish, well covered mannequin serving up a slice of summer. After admiring our window, it occurred to me that we might get asked if we do sell lemonade at catching fireflies & sadly the answer is no… but I did hunt down a bunch of delicious lemonade inspired recipes for you to peruse in our next blog entry. Stay tuned!
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