a rochester welcome
We’re excited to introduce the lovely, talented & oh-so-fun Cheryl Jones as our new Rochester manager.
Prior to joining team Catching Fireflies, Cheryl spent 20+ years in the fast-paced ad biz working for the Leo Burnett Agency (formally Darcy). She loved working with the variety of creative people in advertising but needed a break from the corporate world.
She started her search for a part-time job & the first place she applied was Catching Fireflies in Rochester. Cheryl mentioned, “The first time I walked into that store I fell in love with it so it seemed appropriate to apply for a job there so I could stay connected to creativity and be in a happy atmosphere.”
Unfortunately the Rochester location didn’t have any openings at that time, but our Berkley location did so she ended up joining Danielle’s team & spent 3 years in our whimsical world.
The opening of our sister store, Yellow Door Art Market in the fall of 2010 was perfecting timing to promote Cheryl to a management position. She led the way with flying colors & has been a big part of Yellow Door’s success story.
Although Cheryl lives in Rochester Hills, she grew up in Birmingham and shared that her mom would always go to Bordine’s to get her flowers. Of course, Cheryl had to tag along and complain about the “day” trip because it was like going out to the country back then! It’s a different story now that Cheryl has spent the last 15 years calling Rochester home.
We’re looking forward to Cheryl continuing her journey with us as she makes her way back to the location where it all started.

Congratulations, Cheryl!!!