choose our birthday charity
Can you believe our Rochester location will be 6 spankin’ years old this March? To celebrate we’ll be offering 20% off EVERYTHING at both our locations on Saturday, March 10 + donating 7% of all our sales that day to a Detroit charity. There are so many fantastic non-profits making a difference in our city, it’s hard to choose just one.
So we need your help! We’ve selected 3 charities and would love for you to vote for your pick.
The Focus:Hope mission: Recognizing the dignity and beauty of every person, we pledge intelligent and practical action to overcome racism, poverty and injustice. And to build a metropolitan community where all people may live in freedom, harmony, trust and affection. Black and white, yellow, brown and red from Detroit and its suburbs of every economic status, national origin and religious persuasion we join in this covenant.
They’re changing Detroit by educating for the future, transforming communities & fighting hunger.
For more than 19 years, the readers of the Detroit Free Press have supported metro Detroit camps with donations to Summer Dreams. The 53 camps benefiting from this year’s program serve more than 20,000 children, 57% of whom are minorities. Of the camps, 36 serve children of low-income families, 14 serve children from middle- and low-income families and three serve children of all economic backgrounds.
Cass Community Social Services is dedicated to making a profound difference in the diverse populations it serves by providing for basic needs, including affordable housing, promoting self reliance and encouraging community inclusion and improvement.
Some of the many creative ways they’re fighting poverty & creating opportunity is through green industries & micro-enterprises.
We’re looking forward to blessing one of these amazing groups this March. And don’t you agree… it’s soooo hard to choose! Help us decide with your vote below. Thank YOU for helping us make days brighter for those in our community.
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Go to and vote for Cass Community Social Services. There’s a link on my Facebook page. Thanks!