birthday balloon surprise
I can’t say Tessa was overly subtle about us making a BIG deal about her 16th birthday, so the challenge was ON to make it a special one.
I’m happy to say Steve & I were quite successful in throwing a fun & memorable party for a dozen of high school aged kids (not bad for jumping into parenthood starting with a 15 year old ;-) – CHECK
Tessa is also joining us for our week long New York trip starting this weekend which should be packed with ooohs, ahhs & lots of shopping – CHECK
On her actual birth-DAY, she woke up to crepe paper streamers on her door frame and a bathroom filled with oodles of balloons. Then we made her pancakes while she opened up presents from her mom & dad back in Germany. She started her day with a BIG smile. -CHECK
I originally got the balloon idea from The House of Smiths & planned on filling her room while she was sleeping… however our cat, Tuesday was sleeping in Tessa’s bed & proceeded to meow whenever I took 2 steps in her room ~ which lead to Tessa waking up & gasping in shock :-) This wasn’t the surprise I was going after.
So the bathroom ended up as PLAN B
This simple surprise could be fun for any occasion. But I must warn you, 25 balloons seems like a lot… but when you’re trying to cover a floor, you could always use more. I ended up adding our left over balloons from the minute to win it party for a bigger effect.
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