make it yourself mistletoe
I’m definitely a crafty gal, but during the Christmas season I tend to turn it up a notch (hence all these DIY posts that are popping up lately). My slight addiction to Pinterest has also been and inspiration ~ that’s where I found this cute felt kissing ball by
We’re having a couple holiday parties so I thought it would be fun to hang it in our main entry way to the kitchen since that’s where everyone gathers most of the time… because a few extra kisses during this festive season is always a good thing.
Get some green felt, white pom poms & ribbon.
After you glue the two sides together, you’ll have to do some more hot glue handy work by adhering some of the petals from each side together to create more of a ball shape. Then after you’re happy, add a few clusters of white pom poms.
And here’s a little mistletoe trivia for ya from the Farmers’ Almanac…
Decorating with mistletoe during winter is an ancient tradition, dating to the time before Christianity spread through Europe, when it was viewed as a symbol of fertility.
According to some versions of the kissing lore, the proper etiquette for kissing under mistletoe requires a man to remove one berry when he kisses a woman. Once all of the berries are gone, it becomes bad luck to kiss beneath that particular sprig.
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