grateful heart giveaway
With Thanksgiving just 2 weeks away, we’re offering up some sweet goodies to celebrate the art of gratitude like this journal, reminder bracelet & a hand-crafted little wisdom collage which reads, “What the heart gives away is never gone, it is kept in the hearts of others.” ($59.40 value)
So how can you get these grateful goodies for free?
There are 3 ways to enter – you can do 1,2 or all 3 to better your chances (and the facebook post option is worth 2 points:-)
We’ll draw a lucky firefly fans names on Thursday, November 17th, 2011 and the winners will be listed on this post.
Have fun, good luck and thanks for playing!
Don’t want to miss out on future fantastic firefly giveaways? Be sure to stay in the loop by signing up here and we’ll email our fun-filled blog posts to your inbox!

i am grateful for a loving and supportive husband
and a very lazy beagle
…that must run in the genes as our basset hound has those same loveable qualities ;-)
I’m doing a gratitude list every day of this month, and I would love to continue it throughout the year. ThanksLiving!
I am thankful that I have things to be thankful for.
I am grateful for being in a house full of men! My husband, my three sons, 20, and 12 year old twins. They never let me forget to let the little things go because there is always something bigger around the corner!
I’m grateful for my wonderful husband, my loving sister and my incredible parents.
I’m grateful I have a place to live, and food to put on the table.
I am thankful for God’s grace and all the blessings he has given me.
I am grateful for early bedtimes…..been one of those days
I’m thankful that my children are happy.
I am thankful for the love and blessings in my life, which are bountiful and plenty!
With the loss of my dad in August and now being an orphan I am grateful for wonderful friends who support me.
I most thankful my two beautiful daughters: one here on earth & one watching over us from heaven. Thanks will never be enough for the gift they have give me!
I shared the link on my Facebook wall too!
I am thankful for all of the loving support everyone gave to me after my father passed away, particularly from my boyfriend who is always there for me.
I’m thankful for my husband. We are celebrating 30 years together this month.
I’m thankful for my husband. 30 years together.
I am grateful for everyday I wake up!
Grateful for the people in my life I call family, blood or not. I posted both on facebook and twitter to let all my friends know where to go for unique gifts that speak from the heart.
I am grateful for my husband’s love and that my Dad is thriving this year!
I am thankful for health and my family and friends and to have reconnected with several friends from my past within the past year.
I’m thankful for my friends and family, of course. In the past couple of months, though, my friends have shown me how amazing they are. These are people that CHOSE to be in my life, and their support through some very rough times has made me extremely thankful for their honesty and loyalty.
I am grateful for my husband, my health, the fact that I lost 42 lbs this year, my furbabies (cat and dog), for finding your store! I am NOT kidding! I just found it a few weeks ago and went there on my birthday, I also featured a photo of Piper on my blog last Wednesday!
This will be my the first Thanksgiving without my Dad. He passed away on Mothers Day this year. He was diagnosed 2 years ago with ALS. Although he was not totally taken away from us by the devestating and crippling disease but he was getting weak and his time with us came to an end. I am “thankful” he did not suffer the way ALS takes most of its victims. I do believe my father, mom and entire family were spared. He had a wonderful day with us all and his heart was full to go to heaven.
For that I am thankful… We love and miss him so….
I am thankful for my husband, 3 beautiful children. My mom and sisters. He will always be forever in our hearts!
Thank You for “reading and hearing” my prayer!
I am thankful for the love of my family and that my parents at 88-years=old are still there for my daily telephone call. I am blessed.
I am thankful for babies. Everything is new and fresh and interesting when seen thru their eyes! They always make me smile and laugh.
I am thankful for family and a nice warm home. I am grateful for an ample food supply while realizing so many are hungry.
I am very grateful for the good health of my family and their warm, generous, unconditional show of love for each other and for others…they are the best teachers!
I am grateful for everything that life has to offer! Even the trials have some hidden wisdom meant for our growth! And of course, I am grateful for SPARKLES and people that let their light shine BRIGHT!
I am thankful for the roof over my head, food on the table, and work to pay the bills. My daughter works at a homeless shelter and these simple things are often taken for granted.
I am thankful for the roof over my head, food on the table, and work to pay the bills. My daughter works at a homeless shelter and these simple things are often huge blessings.
I am so grateful for good health for my family and to have a job that I love.
I am thankful for my wonderful family. I love being with my grandchildren and seeing their happy faces! I am also thankful for my very close friends. I am a better person because of each and everyone of them. God Bless family and friends!
I am thankful for my three children and that they will all be here for the Thanksgiving weekend.
I love so many things that center on having a grateful heart. Our Moral Focus for the month at my kids school is Gratitude. We are trying to teach them to have athe attitude of Gratitude, everyday actually, not just in November or for Thanksgiving. I find that I am a much better person to be around when I am grateful for all that I receive, no matter how big or small.
I’m thankful for my faith, my family, & my friends! I’m thankful for my neighborhood! I’m thankful for my Mom who is about to come visit for 6 weeks! I’m thankful for my in-laws who took us on a Disney Cruise! I’m thankful that my kids are joyful! I’m thankful for my husband who makes my life better! So many blessings for which I am very thankful!
I am grateful for all of my neighbors who have helped
in so many ways during the past 3 years.
Family, family, family!! They are the best things to ever happen to me!! : )
I am thankful that everyone in our family is healthy and we have enough to eat and a warm place to call our home, with a supportive family unit.
I am most thankful for my family especially my grandchildren who bring joy to my life everyday. If we could all be more like children the world would be a better place ! !
I am thankful for everything. And cookies.
I’m thankful that I have a job and one that I love, in addition to having a great family and friends!
I am thankful for my family and close friends this year for being there for me when I needed it the most.
I’m thankful for my Pi Phi sisters who support me through everything just like biological family!
I’m thankful for family and friends and the furr babies..and stores like this one that offer an alternative! Jen
I am grateful for another day of life. For the opportunity to be alive and well each day I wake up. I am gratful for my mother who taught me everything about life and to my sister who is always at my side. I am grateful for my boyfriend who makes me feel protected and in love. I am grateful for you, for you are the person I may see on the street today and lend a helping hand. For every waking minute, I am grateful for.
I’m thankful for my health, my loving family, my friends and my sweet 14 year old Chihuahua.
I am thankful for my amazing husband of 14 years. We have been through so much but I am so grateful for the calming presence he gives me. And our beautiful girls that make our lives full and complete.
I am thankful for the LOVE that surrounds me every day!
I am thankful for all the LOVE that surrounds me every day!
I’m grateful for my children, grandchildren and my health. For me still having a house when I haven’t worked since Feb 2008 is a true thing to be thankful for, single mom of 3 for over 19 years, with 3 grandchildren, not much to fall back on. So at close to retirement age I’m enrolled in a community college and will get my certification in graphic information system analyst. Who ever thought I would be starting over at my age in a new direction. Still praying for a job in that area. I’m also gratefull that the soldiers are coming home for the holidays, very important to the nation. Also for the eventual return of all of the troops home.
I am thankful for so much, but mostly my family.
I’m thankful to be able to express gratitude freely and without searching. I’m thankful to be able to travel. I’m thankful for a cozy home, people who visit, and my cuddly springer spaniel.
I am thankful for my husband and children!