tempting turtle cake
This rich-rich-rich recipe was submitted by one of our Yellow Door artists and after we posted it, we got LOTS-O-COMMENTS on facebook so I decided to whip one up for a recent event at our sister store, Yellow Door Art Market.
Here’s what ya need…
1 box chocolate cake mix
1 14 oz. bag of caramels
1 5 oz. can of evaporated milk
2 cups chocolate chips
1 cup pecans
1 stick butter
chocolate frosting or powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 350o. Grease and flour 9″x13″ pan. Prepare cake mix according to directions. Pour 1/2 of batter into prepared pan. Bake for 20 minutes. Melt caramels in a heavy sauce pan with milk and butter. Sprinkle chocolate chips and nuts over baked cake, pour caramel mixture over chocolate and nuts. Spread remaining batter over all and return to oven and bake for another 25 minutes. Frost with your favorite chocolate frosting or sprinkle with powdered sugar.
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