equipping kids for school
We’re all about the fun extras at catching fireflies, however we’re also aware that there are many families who don’t have the luxury of filling up a shopping cart of needed school supplies.
So we’re collecting new school goods during the month of August, then turning them over to the Judson Center for distribution.
What is needed: backpacks, pencils, pens, markers, highlighters, kid scissors, notebooks, folders, binders, rulers, thumb drives, index cards, tissues, hand sanitizer, planners, pencil boxes/pouches, Texas Instrument calculators (TI-108, TI-83, TI-30X)
We’ll be collecting these goods at our Berkley & Rochester locations & as a thank you for your generosity, we’re giving out a gourmet scented pencil for every 5 supplies donated (maximum 4 pencils per family)
Thank you for helping us equip kids for back-to-school!
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Justsharing this note that no child unless affiliated with Judsen Center can be eligible to receive school supplies at least that is what I was advised when contacting this center on how does a needy child benfit from this drive.
Kind Regards