our favorites for father’s day
No doubt about it… it's tough picking out the perfect gift for dad – especially since you have to do it 3 times a years when you figure in Christmas & birthdays! So we invite you to take a look at what we like for the dads in our our lives and maybe it'll spark a few ideas for yours.
Between You & Me Keepsake Journal $15.95
Sometimes talking to our dad's is hard and this book is a great way to
learn more about him. It makes a great gift that everyone will enjoy
for years to come.
Weird Michigan $19.95
What a cool book! I flipped through it when it first came in and found
it entertaining to read about interesting and "weird" things that have
happened in towns that I recogized and some towns I never heard of but
now want to go visit! Great gift for Dad or anyone who lives or grew up
in Michigan!
New York Times Crossword Puzzles $13.95
Remember the one person in your household who would grab the newspaper
or hide it until they completed the crossword puzzle? This special
puzzler's edition of the NY Times is made just for them.
recycled rolling rock glass $8.95
I love these glasses….great conversation piece and functional, not to mention environmentally friendly!
Crap Cars $14.95
I love this book. My first car is the 16th crappiest ever built (Chevy
Citation) and I was driving the 25th crappiest car when I met my wife
(VW Fox). It's a fun read that left me with many laugh out loud moments
such as "If the Chevy Vega was only a little bit rusty, it was still on
the production line." Great gift for any car lover.
Secret Lives of the US Presidents $16.95
My dad devours books & keeps up with the current politics so I
think he'll really get a kick out of this 'tell-all' book about what
past presidents were really like.
xl beer glass $13.95
Remember when every dad would sit in "his" chair at night and order his
kids to get him another cold one from the fridge. Kids have it so easy
these days, now they just have to get dad one of these handy glasses
and save themselves 5 whole trips to the kitchen. Gee I wish I had one
of these growing up!
New York Times Detroit Tigers History $13.95
This was perfect for my sports fanatic dad. He claimed to have an
all-encompassing knowledge of the Tigers in his brain but now he has it
on paper!
bucky balls $29.95
Anyone who walks by these in the store can't help but play with
them….and then they can't set them down! What a perfect gift for the
father who has everything. Guaranteed to provide loads of fun for dads
of all ages.
Daddies are for Catching Fireflies $6.99
My kids are getting their dad this book for Father's Day. This is such
a sweet story and great gift that dad and the kids can enjoy together
over and over again.
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