share-some-love give away
Since V-day is right around the corner, we thought it would be fun to serve up some heartfelt finds like… heart paper clips, 'You Are Loved' pewter coin, lavender chill pill, heart memory magnet, love endures art block, love birds salt & pepper shakers and Cupid's scroll note holder ($59.70 value)
So how can you get these Valentine goodies for free?
There are 4 ways to enter – you can do 1,2,3 or all 4 to better your chances.
1. Since everyone has different love languages… whether it be spending time with one another, writing thoughtful notes, cooking up something tasty in the kitchen, bringing home a surprise present or simply giving a good hug — we'd love for you to comment at
the bottom of this post and share your favorite way to show some love. (no registration or sign-up required)
2. Spread the word about our giveaway on your Facebook page by clicking the Share on Facebook link below then send us a message via Facebook saying that you did.*
3. Follow us on Twitter or Tweet this link:
4. Post our share-some-love giveaway on your blog (Feel free to copy our photo & info) Then
leave a comment on this blog post so we know that you did. *
* just let your friends & followers know if they happen to win, you get some of the goodies too :-)
We'll draw the lucky firefly fan's name on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 and post it on the blog.
Have fun, good luck and thanks for playing!
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i love to just make a simple phone call to let the special people in my life (especially the ones i don’t see that often) that i love them. i have heard time & time again through the grapevine how much it means to people.
extra hugs for my kids…and tons of red hots starting now through vday.
by letting them eat chocolate ice cream before dinner and dinner for dessert,, thats what grammas do
Hubby and I spend time telling each other how much we love one another, what we hope to accomplish together, and look in awe in what we’ve been through together. Sometimes we write poems and frame them together. After dinner we call the grandparents and parents to wish them love as well. <3
I love giving little treats or breads to friends and neighbors anonymously. That’s fun! (Shared on FB)
I like to show love with a nice warm hug.
Since hubby and I are always watching our calories, I make sugar free, strawberry Jell-O in a heart shaped mold and top it with sugar free Cool whip.
“How are you?” or “How was your day?” is what my boyfriend always be sure to ask each other. It is important to know and means so much to both of us. <3
every year for valentines day, i make my kids little goody bags that they wake up to on valentines day morning. my parents did that for my sister and i growing up and it’s a little tradition that i carry on for my children to enjoy.
My husband & I have been hiding the same love note for 10 years. It is very special when one of us finds the note…sometimes we also leave a small trinket with the note to make it extra special…
I’ve made coupon books for my kids….coupons that they can redeem for little things like an extra 1/2 hr. reading time before bed, a trip to the ice cream shop, etc. They love ’em and I make them myself – so they are free! Many times it’s the little things, like the thought that counts, ya know?
If I love and care for someone, I let them know. I send my friends email and call them regularly. I still use US mail to send cards and notes too. My dogs and cats get massages daily to show them they are loved!
I decorate my basement with hearts and pink/red all over. It’s something my son likes to help me do for every holiday.
To show my love for my family members, I try to do a small chore for them everyday without them asking me. I bless my husband by making and delivery his first morning cup of coffee. I’m a blessing to my son when I make an extra casserole and deliver it to his house. It’s fun and personally rewarding to shower love on them!
i bake my children their favorite chocolate chip cookies (they are both well over thirty now) and i buy my granddaughters special treats and crafts so that we can make wonderful projects together!!! i love hearts all year long………..
I show the love by slipping little notes of encouragement, love, et cetera. in pockets, lunches, shoes, anywhere :) i try to give compliments to a stranger when i am out and about and there is an opportunity!!
Sharing warm smiles!
Melissa from Naches
I’m a big fan of sending postcards or notes just to say hi, or offer encouragement. And I love making food for people! Sick or healthy, everyone loves a home cooked meal or some baked goods!
i send little gifts in the mail to my sons and to my friends and family. it’s fun for kids to get things in the mail and fun for adults to get anything that isn’t a bill in the mail. i express my gratitude verbally for everyone in my life on a regular basis and the holidays just give me an opportunity to do it in a more tangible way.
love your store!
Post it notes!! When my husband and I first started dating, we’d surprise each other by leaving post-it love notes all around the house, in each other’s lunches etc. Sometimes it is the smallest gestures that can make someone feel the most loved!
I have learned that my husband’s love language is ‘acts of service’, because he is always so kind and helpful to me, really, really good to me. So, tho my love language is gift giving of which he cares nothing about, I am trying to learn his language by finding special little things I can do to bless him. He’s loving it and so am I.
I like to leave small reminders of my love to my friends and family. Mom loves getting notes in the mail, so I look for cute and fun cards to send her. Dad’s love is food (chocolate) so that gets mailed to him. I like leaving little notes for my boyfriend to find the next day or spending some extra cuddle time with him – touch is his love language.
I shared on FB.
I share my love for my kids by chauffeuring them here, there, and everywhere for their afterschool activities! Oh…and always having ice cream in the freezer!
I shared on Facebook!
I follow you on twitter! (amweeks)
Sending a card when someone is not expecting it with a handwritten note is always nice. Showing that you took the time to write to them and thought of someone is a great gesture. I also like to give chocolate gift items sporadically to my family and friends. Anything that brightens someone’s day.
I love to send cards….for all occasions and sometimes for no special reason at all. I try to never forget a b-day, anniversary, tough time or happy time!
I love to bring all my co-workers cupcakes on Valentine’s Day and I love to send all my loved ones cards. I make my husband a special dinner with champagne and either heart shaped pizza or heart pasta – I love Valentine’s Day!
Because life is like a bunch of Valentine’s day chocolates…..XOXOXO
Love is baking,cooking,comfort food for my Family. I want their tummies full and a smile on their faces!!!!!
I shared on Facebook
It’s true: The best way to (anyone’s) heart is through his/her stomach. I love to cook my husband’s/children’s favorite meals and treats.
My fave way is kissing and hugging hubby when he gets home from work. Then I’ll give him a nice massage accompanied with a calming cup of tea :)
Twitter follower @bunnyb
I let my family and close friends know how much their appreciated. Not only during a holiday, but in the moments that are not expected. I believe we are quick to comment or tell someone we care about when something is wrong or when we get mad. But we don’t take time to tell them how much we care about them and what a special treasure they are in our lives. So, with this being said…….I love, appreciate and am grateful for a loving family and my dear friends everyday of my life!!
When I pack my husband’s lunch I write a love note on the napkin. He loves this surprise and it makes me feel good knowing that he knows I am thinking about him!
I enjoy sending cards. It’s nice getting something in the mail, especially a cute and/or meaningful card :) I also enjoy baking something sweet for those close to me.
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Share the love by helping kids in hospitals by making cuddly therapy dolls.
I volunteer with serveral metro Detroit organizations to show love. And for my hubby, we hold hands in church and cuddle on the couch. :)
One of the best ways I know how to show love is to take my dog (a loveable Yorkie) to someone I know that is out of work. Being unemployed is very stressful and holding and playing with a dog is one of the best ways to relieve the stress.
I love to cook favorite foods. I love to give hugs. I love to say “I love you!” I love picking up a little something “that made me think of you”. :)
I share my love in all sorts of ways. I think leaving notes, giving cards and sending smiles are great ways to show your love.
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My husband and I will be married for 12 years on Feb. 12th. We have been thru alot of very ugly stuff in our marriage since 2005, my husband had a life changing medical event in 2005 and it’s been very hard since then(he’s bought me flowers every week since then) In Dec.(2008) on the morning of Dec 24(Christmas Eve) our house burned and we could no longer live there. During the time before our house was demolished my husband continued to go into our mess and pulled out of much of my stuff as he could(baskets,bears,family china,etc.) He washed and shined everthing and he brought me flower every week!!!
I shared on Facebook too!
I have two little girls and they love to take a break in the afternoon and the 3 of us snuggle on the couch under a blankie (usually with the two of them on top of me). My youngest (3 yrs.) says she likes us to get in a big heap! Something that stuck with her from Where The Wild Things Are :)
My children are young so we spend lots of time playing, sharing, exploring, and learning. My husband works shift work and isn’t home much so I spend as much time as I can trying to make his at-home time restful and enjoyable so the time he does get to spend with us is quality time.
I live thousands of miles away from my family and although we talk on the phone every single day it is not the same as being able to see them and give them a warm hug. I show my love to them by sending “just because” gifts throughout the year. Who doesn’t like a little surprise in the mail? It’s my way of sending them a warm “I love you” across the miles :)
I sing our “I love you” song with lots of hugs and kisses
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A lil’ pinch on the tush never hurt nobody ;)
I share my love by writing notes on my children’s mirror (with a dry erase marker)for them to read in the morning.
I also use Post-It notes! My husband and I have been pretty creative in the past. Sometimes it takes months to find them, but it’s always a nice surprise. I show my husband love every day by getting up to let the dog out, and letting her jump on him to wake him up (his favorite).
Music. I love making playlists and cds for people.
Valentine’s Day the kids wake and walk through a LOVE heart curtain placed on their doorway, I make them a LOVE breakfast with heart eggs and toast and they open a LOVE gift bag with goodies. I give them LOVE kisses as many as they are old! That’s how we show our LOVE on that day. Thanks for the chance at winning!
Sometimes as a surprise on the weekends I will get up early and make pancakes. The smell usually awakens my husband and children from their sleep. The children get a kick out of the snowman shaped pancakes and I love all being together for breakfast.
I show my love to my family, friends and fiance with thoughtful cards and hugs. However, in my line of work (nurse assistant on a hospice and cancer unit) I show my love to our patients with words of hope, encouragement and strength. In the occasion that we have someone moving on from life to death, my act of love is to sit with them, holding their hand to know they are not alone just in case a family member is not able to be with them. Sometimes love languages are not all about gifts. For me, it’s time and act of service.
Enjoying quiet time with someone special is something I always look forward too. Being sure to tell someone that you care is super important – I recently heard from an old friend how much he cares about me and my heart just bursted!
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A cute card reminding someone that I’m thinking about them. Also, making a special dinner for my husband usually does the trick :)
(I’m a facebook/ twitter follower!)
My favorite Valentine’s Day treat is breakfast cooked by the kids. Years ago it was burnt toast and orange juice…now that they are older it’s eggs, toast and orange juice. Nothing says I Love You more then taking the time to do for others…and I love when they do little things like this for me.