world’s longest yard sale this weekend!
Got this weekend free? Like treasure hunting? You might want to think about heading south on highway 127 for over 600 miles of yard sales! I heard about this unique event from one of our firefly fans who's going for the first time with one of her girlfriends. I can't wait to hear some stories about her wild adventure.
I have to admit, I'm intrigued by the whole concept. I think meeting the people behind this event would be as entertaining as hunting for odd ball treasures. If anyone has been or plans on going, please share your fantastic finds and crazy stories with us!
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I have went on this the last 2 years w/my cousin, the first year last year, we were new moms & only went for 2 days/a night. This year were free!!! We went from OH (where we live) to Chattanooga, TN. WE each spent around $340 for stuff & $560 or so for food, gas & room. But it was a LOT of fun & found GREAT buys. I have to say Van Wert has been a great spot both years. It was Hot!! and after 3 days we were tried but it was a lot of Fun so thanks to everyone!!!check out for info if u have ?’s you can contact me. :)
the only think I have also to say is PLEASE People throw away your old underware No one wants them!! We saw a lot of underware along our way. Oh above the $560 is the 2 of us together. If you want to know of some places to stop along the way let me know or looking for hotel on the route I know can be hard so we took notes this year so next year we’ll do more ready. Tips-Book a room other wise you will not find one, have hand wipes in your car you touch a lot of stuff. Also the people are Great & really nice.