summer spa giveaway
To celebrate our new partnership with the Hydra Soap Company, we're giving away a load of luxurious spa products including… 4 aromatherapy shower steamers, 4 fantasy chill pill bath fizzies, 4 bath tub teas and 4 natural aromatherapy shower steamers. ($71.20 VALUE!)
So how can you get these fabulous spa goodies for free?
There are 3 ways to enter – you can do 1,2 or all 3 to better your chances.
1. Comment at the bottom of this post and tell us one of your favorite pampering activities. (no registration or sign-up required)
2. Spread the word about our giveaway on your Facebook page by clicking the Share on Facebook link below then send us a message via Facebook saying that you did. *
3. Post our Summer Spa giveaway on your blog (Feel free to copy our photo & info) Then
leave a comment on this blog post so we know that you did. *
* just let your friends & followers know if they happen to win, you get some of the goodies too :-)
We'll draw the lucky firefly fan's name on Wednesday, August 12, 2009 and post it on the blog.
Have fun, good luck and thanks for playing!
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I have to have a nice hot bath every day complete with bath salts. It is my “me” time.
(Crafting by Candlelight)
Nothing better than blackberry vanilla soap and body lotion then a glass of cold lemonade with fresh mint and chocolate chip cookies!!!
Okay, I HAVE to try for this one! I am and always have been all about the bath and other scented TREATS. I was just a little bummed last night when I saw that I had nothing to add to my bath.
I’m excited to try this line, because I’m obsessed!!!! with Catching Fireflies…my pampering activities are many…when I can grab a few minutes. I love to take a bath, but don’t get the time as much as I’d like…so I ALWAYS use plenty of beautiful scents, great lotions and scrubs. Nothing makes you feel more special!
I’m a soaker. I love fizzies, bubbles, salts — anything that makes my bath smell like heaven.
My favorite indulgent/pampering activity is SLEEPING IN! There is nothing else so restorative in the world!
Pampering myself? Hmmm….it used to be going to the salon to get my hair done, my nails painted, going out to lunch with a friend. But I’m older now and have too many irons in the fire. I feel pampered when I can take a nice, hot, long shower without being disturbed. And then I have enough time in there to shave all the parts that need shaving, to use “extra” products like a soap just for my face, and to be able to lotion afterward, snuggle in my favorite jammies, robe and slippers, and park myself on the couch to indulge in a TV show only I care about.
a nice big bowl of ice cream is the way I like to pamper myself!
Hi I have two accounts with facebook I put this post on both you are my favorite store!!
bath fizzies (w/o laureth sulfate) and a nice private toenail painting session…
I’m fairly easy to please. . . . a pedicure at home along with a frozen margarita!
Awww just the thought of pedicures, manicures and some kind of cool beverage…
i am so ready!!
thanks for a chance to win great things!!
With two youngins at home (Aidan 2 1/2 and Andy 2 months), just going to the bathroom with the door shut is pampering enough!!! But a hot shower will put me over the edge!
Nothing beats a pedi in the summer! Gotta take care of those tootsies! This year I am showing my pretty toes off in my new heel crocs… they are super cute and I get compliments on them daily, even random strangers… my feet never got so much attention! lol
Love a mani & pedi even if Im just doing it for myself!
At the end of the day, I love to curl up with either (depending on how the day went) a hot cup of tea or a glass of wine and a great book. Escaping into a book takes me away from whatever chaos went on during the day.
I love it!
a “spa” day including a massage, facial, and pedicure
I love a day at the spa – massage and mani/pedi while enjoying a good book. If I can’t get away I love to draw a bath and soak at home…I love trying new products for these at home times.
Swaying in a hammock during a nice summer day or taking a bubble bath…although I don’t have soaps and salts this nice!
I love to pamper myself by getting all dolled up and going out to eat! Some place nice and relaxing…with amazing food! Pampering is a monthly thing that every person should do to make life a little better!
I love to relax and pamper myself by taking a nice hot bubble bath, with some sweet smelling candles and a yummy smelling body wash to lather up in. Add a favorite book or magazine, and I’m in heaven!
Nothing beats on long hot bath in essential oils, followed by an ice pack on the eyes…all in total silence.
Escaping electronics is the best pampering of all.
Wandering around Nordstrom’s and leaving with an item or two!
Oh, I miss my Hydra store on Fillmore Street! This would be such a welcome treat!
I like to lock the bathroom door, fill the tub with HOT water and bath salts and crank up my stereo so that I don’t hear a knock at the door or the ringing phone. I soak until the water turns cold. I feel like a new women when I leave the bathroom.
I love to soak my feet in a delicious aromatherapy scent – lemon grass is one of my favorites!
My favorite thing to do is to lay in the sun and read a good book!
Im a new mom, so I dont get many breaks, but when I do, they always involve a long, hot, good-smelling bath!
In the middle of the day…I love to take a hot shower, wrap my hair in one towel, rub myself down with yummy vanilla-scented body lotion, turn the sheets back down in the bed, jump in, and READ!!!…. for 30 minutes or so. It is so refreshing…and totally self-indulgent!!
I like to soak in my favorite mountain lake, on a quiet day, once the water is no longer freezing cold (just cold).
Hot, hot water, candles, bubble bath, and a bath fizz! Turn up the stereo and close the door to the bathroom for a few hours.
After a long day, give me a bath and a book and a whole lot of bubbles. Then I’m a happy camper!
I like to get a massage, and mani/pedi. Eating warm chocolate chip cookies is relaxing too.
I like to take a Bikram yoga class and sweat out all inner toxins – skin feels really soft afterwards.
A nap! ‘Nuf said!!
My ultimate would be to have an afternoon to read all the magazines stacked up on my nightstand (I am a magazine-a-holic!) and get a pedicure with a 1/2 foot massage! That would be heaven. I’d come back to my family totally refreshed and ready to come up with new and exciting dinner options!!!
I take a bath EVERY DAY and love body scrubs! I probably scrub far more often than I should but, I can’t help it- I love it
A bath, a book, and a glass of wine.
Taking a day off from school and work and having a complete Spa day, manicure, pedicure bath, burning some candles and relaxing.
I would love to have goodies like these to treat myself after a long day chasing 3 boys around! Sounds like heaven to me…
I am a massage therapist at passion but work in a stressful seasonal business by trait. I believe in the power of relaxation and when i can afford too I love to treat myself to a massage at a nice spa. The atmosphere is just as important – put on the robe, relax and drink some cucumber water :)
Plain and simple…..Please, Please, Please, pick me ;)
I love to use salts and fizzies and give myself a much needed pedicure- especially during the summer when everyone sees your feet!!
My favorite pampering is a pedicure in a massage chair! Not really a bath girl but my morning shower is my cup of coffee!
I love to take hot bubble baths with all different sweet smelling soaps and salts. I love Catching Fireflies!! Every time i have to get a gift for someone i always go there!
getting a free squirt of a really expensive and pretty scent at a retail store…
I like to soak in the tub with lit candles and a glass of white wine near by, while enjoying the silence.
I like may of the other women take a hot bubble bath with a nice glass of wine…. close my eyes and relax!!
I enjoying lighting some scented candles and curling up on the couch with a book and a glass of wine. Or a pedicure does the trick too!
best way is a massage and a facial, but since I can’t afford to do that every day of the week, i take a hot bath with a fizzie or some bubble bath.
Watching a movie at home with a glass of wine, spend a day outside relaxing in the sun, or getting a manicure/pedicure are all ways I like to pamper myself.
My pampering involves drinking coffee, reading my paper, and watching the morning lineup!
i love to give myself a pedicure while enjoying a glass of wine.
Mani/Pedi at least once a month.
A hot tub and a massage. That’s the best pampering I can imagine. I miss the FIllmore Hydra, too.
The perfect wind down is a tall glass of iced tea, a nice breeze, the latest Evanovich number book and the hammock! If that can’t or doesn’t happen, a hot steamy shower with happy smelling bubbly gel and a loofah substitutes just fine!!
On cold nights I like a hot bubble bath with a
glass of red wine. What would make it so much
more relaxing is new spa products from the
Hydra Soap Company.
a professional massage for an hour!!!
Having 2 little boys, I’ve found that I have to explain that I need “girl” time each week. If that means closing the bathroom door, giving Daddy the baby and letting the 3 of them do “boy” things while Mom soaks in a tub of fragrance with candles lit or a book – Wow!
My favorite pampering activity is a long hot shower with a yummy scented bath gel, followed by a moisturizing massage with matching scented lotion. Gld to find a new source for Hydra!
I love to do a spa day or make a spa day at my house by myself or with friends
i do my nails twice a week. i know it sounds so simple but it is something that i always do. it is just a little of me time & i always feel good that my nails look great. just a simple coat of clear polish is all i do. it is something that is for me & only me.
I love hot baths!
I shared about this on Facebook. (Aik Chien)
My very favorite is a full body massage. This is a luxurious treat.
My latest is the pedi-cure. It’s the only season my feet get to enjoy some freedom. Movement without obstuction in my favorite flip-flops. A showy color is a plus. I love summer…it makes for “Happy Feet”.
a blow-out!!
I always feel like a million dollars when my hairis blown out.
I’m obviously not alone in feeling pampered by a long, hot bath! Add a book, a glass of cold white wine, relaxing lavender-scented bubbles, and I’m all set.
Of course, sleeping in is also really high on my list!
A pedicure and manicure along with a friend would be ideal.
Hmmm…Let’s try again. A mani and pedi while hanging with a girlfriend would be ideal!
I love to take a nice warm shower before bedtime and use aromatherapy and a good loofah sponge while listening to my favorite cd.
My ideal day of pampering would include shopping at my favorite stores especially Catching Fireflies, a full day of peace and quite. A day at the spa with pedicure, manicure, and a facial. To end a perfect day a long hot bubble bath, and someone to brush my hair for hours, also a long relaxing lunch at Kruse and Muiers.
When i really need a break, I have a glass of wine, with a nice hot bath, candles and some soft jazz playing and then curl up in a comfy chair with a good book.
Recently discovered the wonders of steamers and there is nothing like it in this world. I would ever so enjoy winning this gift so I could share the goodness with others!
my favorite pampering is watching a great thriller movie and a pint of ben and jerry’s (phish food).
oh and one more thing, i had surgery on my shoulder in june and to get in the shower with a wonderful shower gel is a wonderful pampering for me; please please please pick me!!! joyce murphy
My favorite pampering activity is a home pedicure with my 11 year old daughter. That is one thing we have in common!
A day at the spa…mani and pedi. Also soaking in the tub at home.
I don’t have time to pamper. I like a good nap.
I don’t pamper myself all the time, so when i do i like to go big. Me and my mom go to Season Day Spa and get pedicures. Then we go down to the waterfront and have lunch. It’s a good way to pamper myself and also bond with my mom.