staff picks for mother’s day
'Loving Hearts Make a House a Home' ransom quote $69.50 I really love heartfelt quotes and this is my new personal favorite! Family, especially moms, make a house a home, so why not tell them with these special words!
Dear Mom – Thank You for Everything book $9.99 I bought this book for my mom because I do not think she realizes how much I appreciate what she has given me. And the monkey on the cover was the seller, because when I was 10 I told my mom I wanted to own a monkey as my baby and from then on I was given stuffed monkeys and anything related. Perfect she will love it. I am also writing on each page an experience with her that I remember.
Pouchee Purse Organizer $25.95 I just purchased these pouchees for each of my daughters. My one daughter, whose a lawyer, keeps her pouchee in her briefcase. No need to carry a purse. My other daughter, whose always on the run, finds it so convenient to change from one purse to another without any hassle.
Eight Flute Rectangle Vase $31.50 Who doesn't relate Mother's Day to flowers? In the past I've purchased hanging baskets, flats, and fresh cut flowers for Mom. This vase will make a great gift to display the many different types of flower buds she has growing around the house. I would also recommend taking time to fill the vase with flowers before giving it. It'll be icing on the cake.
She… inspirational book $14.50 I'm getting my girlfriend this for mother's day. I always tell her that I don't know how she can work full time, raise 3 kids, cook dinner almost every night, remember(most of the time) the kids activities schedules and deal with her husband. She not only does all of this, but she does it extremely well. Hopefully in all the chaos this book will remind her that her care and accomplishments do not go unnoticed.
'The best thing to hold onto in life is each other' ransom quote $69.50 This year has been a hard year as my Mom is in the advanced stages of Alzheimers. This is such an awesome quote to have for my family to live by!
Gurgle Pots $39.95 These gurgle pots rank high on my gift giving list for a number of reasons… they're pretty, functional, oh-so-clever and are sure to liven up any brunch or dinner party. My mom's getting the green one for Mother's Day. Knowing her, she'll most likely always leave it sitting out as a decoration on her counter.
Ceramic Wall Tile $19.50 While we gather in the kitchen to make dinner, my family likes to open a bottle of wine and share in the cooking experience. This creative tile captures the humor that is shared between us during those times.
Magnetic Basset Hound Salt & Pepper Shakers $13.95 I'd like to think I spice up life a bit with my soulful howls and loving stares – so these sweet shakers make the perfect gift.
'There is more to life…' Calendar Keeper $59.50 I bought this for my mother last year and she loves it! It was the perfect gift to help her get a little more organized and add some decoration to her kitchen. I love the quote too, I think everyone could use a daily reminder to slow down.
Flower Measuring Cups $11.95 Unfortunately I didn't get my mom's wonderful knack for baking up something delicious. But I know she will just love these festive measuring cups. With all of those hours she spends in the kitchen, it's nice to have fun, bright and useful things around you…which doesn't include me.
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