miss matilda jane
Attention all mothers of lovely little girls. There is an amazing sale going on at Matilda Jane. I knew the talented designer behind these fun frocks back in my art fair days. She used to paint adorable kids furniture and since then she's found grand success in the flirty fashion world.
A portion of her story reads, "I wish I could say I started because I could not find any cute clothes for my kids, but surely that is not a problem. The world is filled with talented designers. Afterall, someone has to dress my two darling boys ‘cuz Matilda Jane isn’t looking all that great on boys lately!!
I wish I could say I am a 'designer'. I pretty much consider myself just a girl who can’t stop her brain from spinning. It is crazy. I just get an idea and go with it. Inspiration? I am not sure, it just happens. You know, wake up in the middle of the night and 'Whoa, I have a great idea!' It just happens."
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