too too cute – two liter bottles
Would you believe me if I said this oh-so-sweet little scene is made from the bottom of a two liter bottle?
Leave it up to our very own Rochester firefly gal, Susan to have such an amazing imagination. I recently gave her a bunch of glass bottles that I didn’t need and she made this wonderful winter scene for me as a thank you.
In case you can’t make it out, it says "time for sushi & hot tea"
I found the perfect place for it on my mantel midst my other whimsical winter friends.
The good news is she has an etsy site where she sells other adorable goodies like these…
Look how cute he is. I’m tempted to buy this one since I absolutely love making & eating smores.
A portion of her artist statement reads, "I love recycling items and finding a "new" life for them…. In this day and age…. it feels good to reuse the items we have…add some paint, a bead here and there, a bow, a stick, some glue… and before you know it…. you have something NEW!"
No doubt, the glass bottles will go to very good use.
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these are quite clever! love em. hope you and steve are doing well. looking forward to a breather, i’m sure you are too!