moving memories
I plead guilty to the M.I.A. charge this past week. We’ve been moving our design studio, offices & web warehouse which means I’ve been one tired gal… too busy & tired to blog in the evenings. But now that we’re somewhat situated in the new place, my fingers are happy as clams to be typing (rather than gripping large dusty boxes & shelving)
I still can’t seem to remove the lovely dirt line under my nails… but more on that in another post.
As you know with any move, you’re bound to dig up some goods that’ll walk you down memory lane. This photo was stuck in a jammed drawer that hadn’t been opened in years. If memory serves me right, this is the first ‘craft show’ I ever did. My friend and co-worker, Dena convinced me to share a booth with her and I reluctantly said yes.
Looking back, I’m so thankful that God dropped Dena in my life and I listened to her encouragement. Before long I was selling my goods at other craft shows in the area.
I made a little bit of everything… hemp jewelry, turkey pumpkin kits (with the help of my now husband Steve), pet themed floor cloths and I even had a soap making streak.
I found these house journals packed away in a lost tub. I made this series when I progressed to showing at finer art shows.
And how’s this for the very first ribbon frame proto-type? Everyone’s gotta start somewhere.
Fast forward to 2008 where I have many shelves of wonderful papers,
drawers & drawers of fantastic findings (that still need to be un-shrink wrapped)
and polished products waiting to be shipped to stores across the US.
Now back to that first photo of Dena & me. I can not help to feel a wave of gratitude knowing that this all started with Saturday afternoon in Dixboro, MI.
As the years progressed Dena and I kept in touch and our paths crossed occasionally. Today I’m happy to say we’re walking down the same path since she now manages our Rochester catching fireflies. God is good.

These are some awesome memories! I love seeing the pictures of your earlier work. Your studio looks so clean and organized! It makes me want to come play with you : ) Hope you’re doing well and that you have a busy holiday season. I agree, God is good!