a smencil story
My friend Amy Peters purchased these very popular scented pencils for her kiddos and raved about their magical inspiration qualities on her blog.
"My kids have been going crazy drawing with them! If they look tired in these pictures it’s because they have been waking up early to finish their pictures…I’m not joking. To truly understand the gravity of this accomplishment you have to realize that Kyra is usually PULLED out of bed each morning. I’m not sure how long this creative burst is going to go on for, but it has sure been worth the cost of the Smencils."
Thank you Amy for sharing your sweet story with us. Love the fun art work!
If you’ve got a special story about one of our firefly goodies, we’d love to hear it! Just drop us a line so we can share your gift giving wisdom with the rest of our whimsical world.

cute cute!