making fun new friends in the city
One very fun thing about doing wholesale shows is meeting new friends. My friend, Michelle introduced me to the lovely Texan duo of Cutting Up. They create inspiring colorful intricate collages and offer them on all sorts of things like tees, belt buckles, hats and necklaces. Here are a few of my favs…
We (Michelle & Katie, Amy Peters and Jo Dee & Colleen) all went out for Thai in Hell’s Kitchen and had many, many laughs… those Southern gals know how to have a good time!
We finished the evening with some Yolato (a plain flavored frozen yogurt that I can’t wait to hit the mid-west!) It’s sooooo delicious!
Off to another day of buying & selling lots of great goodies!
hmmmm… would it be wrong to have frozen yogurt for breakfast?
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Love your Blog! I had a great time last night. Tai food is semi yum, Yolati is way yum and o.k. I will admit…Blogging is cool & FUN!!
jodee’s computer is still on the fritz so no blogging for and she is very sad! We will see you soon.
Holy Computer Crash, Batman! Here’s a long overdue ‘hello’ to you, April, my new-found friend… I love your article & appreciate so much the time shared and your cool energy. You and your husband made a great team. I’ll be writing my blog on you soon!
Wanted to add that our last night in NYC topped w/specialty popcorn purchases was also quite note worthy and fabulous, was it not?! I can’t believe how delicious puffed maize covered in confections can be! I’m giving it a SHAZAM!
I’ve been long removed from the blog world, stuck in the land of the lost w/out a computer. Thankfully, I have returned. I feel like I’ve lost my momentum; but, certain your articles have provided me a 2nd wind and new found inspiration to jump back in and blog it… blog it… (you know I’m singing that – to the tune of Beat-It & yes, I’m singing it out loud.)
Miss your face of total coolness!