dolly mamas – laugh about life
Meet Joey Heiberg (a.k.a. the original Dolly Mama) of Allentown, Pennsylvania. She has mastered creating colorful broads with quirky quips that are sure to give you a good grin.
While growing up, Joey had always thought she would end up in advertising, publishing, or as a back-up dancer for Tom Jones. Little did she know that she would become a successful artist instead.
She had always loved crafting things and by her 33rd birthday had become one of those "I could make this myself" artists, anytime she saw beautiful pieces in stores. The truth is, she never did do it.
That is until she visited a local store called West of SoHo. Upon learning that Joey was an artist, the store owner, Yvette immediately asked if she would be willing to make her some window displays. Within two months she had made Yvette some very cool displays, so cool that they sold right out of her window. Yvette had become Joey’s mentor and nagging friend. Joey had become a working artist.
Her greatest success did not come, however, until she began sculpting her quirky "Dolly Mama" ladies out of thin metal. They became super popular and pretty soon she had the opportunity to create many other items like cards, napkins and notepads.
We’re happy Joey found her inner mama because her ladies remind us to take life a little less seriously. We’re proud to carry many of her hilarious cards and cocktail napkins at our Berkley & Rochester locations.
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