strut’s girlfriends night out party

The_girls_2Danielle, Dena and I had a grand time celebrating our win for the Strut Women’s Choice Award at the girls night out party.Crowds_2

The Royal Oak Music Theater was packed with delicious food vendors, boutique tables and other great services like make-overs, hand massages and friend photo shoots.Toms_oysters_copy

Danielle and I tried oysters for the first time from Tom’s Oyster Bar.  I doused mine with a good portion of cocktail sauce, while Danielle enjoyed the true taste. Scones

On a sweeter note, we all indulged in these super tasty scones from Just Delicious Scones in Grosse Point Park.  I could have taken home every one of their scrumptious flavors… cranberry apricot, white chocolate coconut, lemon and the classic currant.  Ummmm!Cf

We even got some props on the big screen since we donated flower photo holders and gift cards to the great goody bags.


Fellow Berkley staffer, Cheryl was able to join the party later on in the evening.  Nothing like a sassy Strutini to sip on after a long work day.

For more fun pics of the evening check out Strut’s blog.

Thanks again to all our loyal supporters that voted for us.  We couldn’t do what we love without you!

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