‘making days brighter’ contest winners
In our spring newsletter we asked our customers to recall a gift they’ve received or given from catching fireflies that made their day or the gift recipient’s day brighter and why. We enjoyed reading your many wonderful stories and it was very hard to select the ones to feature because you are all winners. (I know that really sounds cheesy, but it’s true!)
With that being said, the following three entries will receive this magical battery operated firefly jar because of their heartfelt submissions.
1. Robin Baker
I have purchased many items that have made my day or someone else’s brighter~but the one that stands out most is: A sign that reads "Always Kiss Me Goodnight." I have this wooden sign hung in our bathroom~which is most people’s last stop before they go to bed (perfect spot). Every night I read this and it reminds me that no matter what kind of day you’ve had or what kind of mood you may be in~to kiss the people that matter most in your life daily:)
2. Patsy Birdwell
I was in your store with my best friend who stuck by me thru a long illness. That evening, Joy bought me this incredible book called SHE – pink and orange – so happy and strong. Oh how blessed I felt. As we looked through the book, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a book called HOPE (a book about cancer) Being so uplifted by the book, SHE… I knew this was for me and boy was it ever.
Several months later I was in another local gallery and the owner began to share with me of her recent test results showing that she had cancer. I told her I had something for her and the next time I came in I would be sure to bring it.
Months had passed and I felt such a deep passion to give her my book. By this time I had been so encouraged by it, I was almost sad giving it to her but I knew the hope it gave me could not be kept with me alone. When I handed her the book, her eyes welled up and began to look at it as if there was a passage or page I wanted her to see but I pushed the book away and said "no, it’s for you." She let me know she was closing the store because she couldn’t keep it up with her health. She was so blessed and gave me the biggest hug. We shared our well wishes and said good-bye. I left with happiness in my heart and a bit of sadness.
The next week when I stopped at catching fireflies, I searched every nook-n-cranny with no luck of finding the book. Finally with the help of Danielle, the manager, we figured out what book I was looking for and she arranged for copy to be brought over from the Rochester store the following week. Wow! What customer service. I find your store not only upbeat and fresh, but full of life and kindness. Thank you!
3. Sherry Waines
Hunting for the perfect journal became my mission. My daughter her husband and two kids were moving to Germany for 2 years. I wanted to give my daughter a journal that she could keep at her bed side to record their adventure. It had to hold tickets (plane, train and subway) also tickets to museums and attractions. Photo’s and postcards, along with her written thoughts. I searched everywhere, dept. stores, stationery stores, whatever. Nothing. Every journal looked ordinary.
Then I went into the Berkley Catching Fireflies and there it was. Better than I imagined. Perfect. Just the right size with a wonderful cover that had a airplane charm and different stickers and such to make it look like a travel journal. Well she loved it too and started writing about their move before they even left for Germany on April 26th 2007. Thank you Catching Fireflies.
Thanks again for sharing your thoughtful stories with us. It fills my heart with joy knowing that we are part of making your days brighter and also inspires us to keep on shining.
(unfortunately, the first and last items shown are no longer available for purchase)