sherbet colored world – berkley makeover
Day four was spent painting new and old displays and adding the last coat of poly-acrylic to the back half of the store.
Jessica is painting our new tile display and Ashley is giving our plain-jane wood jewelry cabinets a fresh look.
Day five things start taking shape…
All of our greeting card ‘eaves troves doors’ are now located towards the front of the store and also act as our window display backdrop. Once we stock the cards, I’ll write the card categories (birthday, wedding, baby etc…) on the scalloped chalkboards above.
This is what it looks like when you first enter. The tile display will have the artist’s names written on the chalk board above each door.
This is the beginnings of our new expanded bath and body section.
And the starts of our larger pet area.
I can’t wait to fill up this crazy combination with delicious goodies.
The colorful jewelry cabinets fit right in with the new mix.
Tomorrow’s agenda: hanging windows, creating additional displays and arranging products… there’ll be more photos soon!

It’s lookin’ good. Can’t wait to see the finished product!