cat naps are a wonderful thing
This past Saturday I took the advice of my cat, Tuesday and took a cozy cat nap during the afternoon. It’s something I rarely do, but boy did it feel good.
Andrew Pyle and Leslie French of Nunwell Glass capture that snuggly feeling beautifully with their gorgeous glass cats. Steve and I purchased one of their lovely sculptures at a gallery while we were on vacation last year to add to our quirky art cat collection.
A portion of Leslie’s artist statement reads, "I don’t remember a time in my life without cats. They were my constant companions as a child, dressed as dolls they were regular tea party guests. As the cat population waxed and waned in the shed at the bottom of the yard, the subtle intricacies of cat society were revealed, and I never lost that fascination. It feels so fitting now, that along with my husband Andy, we are creating a tribute to the House Cat, a natural wonder that brings nothing but joy to those who choose to share their lives with it."
They appropriately have lots of furry family members who at all have one time or another, modeled. We don’t carry their artwork, but you can purchase their glass kitties on their website.