santa monica sunset
Whenever Steve & I travel to do a trade show we always try to weave a little fun in after the workday. We just recently got back from the California Gift Show which takes place in downtown Los Angeles. Unfortunately there’s not too terribly much happening right downtown so we ventured off and explored beautiful Santa Monica.
Walking along the sidewalk headed towards the pier I couldn’t help to notice this playful trio of beach homes. I just love how the sherbet flavored colors compliment each other.
Once we made our way to the pier we bumped into a grand variety of talented entertainers, musicians and artists. It was a wonderfully eclectic mix and I was thoroughly enthralled because I am a junkie for festive environments (just ask my husband… any signs of white tents, music or any commotion in a park or closed street and I’m there)
After having dinner on the pier we headed towards Third Street Promenade which consists of a fabulous collection of stores and of course more street performers and musicians. There was even a Skinny Minnie store (we carry a lot of their vintage flavored printed tees at our Berkley location)
The fanciful white lights hanging from all the trees created a magical atmosphere and it was the perfect ending to our short California rendezvous.